"I'm a man of God"

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  • kk3 9 years ago

    Look around and you will see those who really ridicule christianity with words, action or both not this man.

  • hmm 9 years ago

    who cares about what you think or say, we all know you are a mad man.... Cant you see your music dont sell, you suck, wacko!
    Get a grip

  • princewilly@ymail.com 9 years ago

    A pastor went out one Saturday to visit his church members. At one house, it was obvious that someone was home, but nobody came to the door even though the preacher knocked several times. Finally, the preacher took out his ca ...
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  • Cantankerous 9 years ago

    He may actually look like a "saint" compared to some of the so-called "men of God" who have immensely enriched themselves by deceiving countless gullible followers. At least he doesn't claim to be a prophet, sell tap water ...
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  • Paa Kwesi 9 years ago

    I have said this before even though not from inner witness or revelation but this guy will one day preach the gospel.God is looking for people like wanlov to be used as a vessel to promote his kingdom. As he has declared, may ...
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  • MUHAMMAD KAAMIL. 9 years ago

    Devil Paul,invented Christianity,and we have seeing lots of his descendants everyday.
    All of those men's of gods started just like WANLOV AND M3NSA.
    We ask Allaah for safety and well-being.

  • Angie 9 years ago

    Devil Paul? You're too stupid to insult. Let someone say anything negative about your prophet Mohammed & Moslems will be calling for that person's head. But it's ok for you to insult Christianity, right?

  • KM 9 years ago

    You call Paul devil? You blind and brain- washed fool need God's mercy for your ignorance. Do you know how Christianity started? Think about your religion and your future.

  • Kokonsa 9 years ago

    No we don't know how Christianity started so please educate us. Ghanaians are the most gullible of the lot. Clinging onto trends without investigation and being the most ardent and zealous proselytisers of the belief of a fri ...
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  • NOBODY 9 years ago

    Man of God you must be. All those so-called men of God are crooks and quacks. Better if you said you're a man constantly seeking attention.