No sole sourcing for the supply of power barges - Kan Dapaah

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  • Jhoti 9 years ago

    Sole sourcing i the biggest killer of the Ghanaian economy.Ridge Hospital, Circle Interchange, etc etc.With Sole sourcing Ghana typically pays 1.5 to 2.5 times the actual project value.

    NPP was also guilty, but the NDC-era ...
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  • Ali Baba 9 years ago

    All the political parties do and will continue to practice sole sourcing. Noisy Kennedy Agyepong is a beneficial under K4; K4's own children Nana Ama and the bankrupt one from the USA who imported the prepaid meters. Also Kwo ...
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  • LAST DON 9 years ago

    Peace and unity will elude these Dankwa / Busia confraternity until they begin to show respect to their opponents by using decent language to express their opinions. All they can do is to chirp! chirp !chirp ! talk !talk ! ...
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  • ghanaman 9 years ago

    It is important that government heeds to the call to not rush in for the option of sole sourcing.

  • Oye Onye Kwesi Atta 9 years ago


  • AbigI 9 years ago

    Look at the harm you have caused the economy with your greed, incompetence and corruption.. Within 6 years you have collapsed the economy. You are evil than Satan himself. Useless liars and thieves.

  • koffi parker 9 years ago

    and they feel great pointing a finger at others

  • K. A. 9 years ago

    Well spoken, but will the NDC take a suggestion from an NPP?

  • pàa 9 years ago

    UNDER EMERGENCY IN 2007 12 50MW OF CATERPILLAR GENERATORS WERE IMPORTED TO GHANA. KAN DAPAA U WERE MP. SHOP ME WHAT COMPETITIVE process was used. U don't want these generators so that government fails. I am angry with this ...
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  • NTRA SAKYI 9 years ago

    Because no competitive process was used then none must be use now. It that your line of thinking? With this mindset Ghana is forever doomed.

  • Kanewu 9 years ago

    Concern citizen should bring their solutions and contributions like this not demonstration.

  • ugly akufo addo 9 years ago


  • Isaac Nortey 9 years ago

    Ken has demonstrated the way to behave in building a nation. He came forward, agreed with the government in a way and cautioned the government my making a valuable suggestion. This is the way forward, not demonstrations witho ...
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  • Ishimoto 9 years ago

    Sole sourcing is used in emergency situations such as the Dumsor we find ourselves presently. If we use the normal procurement procedures and processes it may take us long time then we the citizens should understand and endur ...
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  • pàa 9 years ago

    UNDER EMERGENCY IN 2007 12 50MW OF CATERPILLAR GENERATORS WERE IMPORTED TO GHANA. KAN DAPAA U WERE MP. SHOP ME WHAT COMPETITIVE process was used. U don't want these generators so that government fails. I am angry with this ...
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  • Agya Yaw 9 years ago

    Save your breath as they are not going to take your advice based on your political affiliation just waiting your energy this is the best moment for them to steal from the nation coffers the election is at the corner be assure ...
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  • RaS bo 9 years ago

    Now this article is a eryngoodnpointer and a clear indicator of how wasteful and useless the ndc government is. They really don't have a frigging clue. Seriously,..!!! Are ndc supporters that naive? Can't they think? Or is th ...
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  • Plasma Kote 9 years ago

    Please stop giving publicity to