Being a female musician/actor is tough in Ghana

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  • True talk 9 years ago

    Who ever wrote this. God bless you. You have spoken well.Encourage your own girls, ladies and women in what ever their doing that helps them to be at least independent to bust thire confidence .they must feel the love and our ...
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  • True talk 9 years ago

    Think about God. We have given to God what belongs to him. Time to give to ourselves. You can not survive on the word alone. Man must eat pls.God will help those who help themselves.

  • rightious lady 9 years ago

    let. us..tik. abaut.god !!!!!

  • Akua 9 years ago

    they are also tag as prostitute which i think is all about copying too much of western country's culture.And they are also very much aware that our culture frawns against showing of their is about high time they rethi ...
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  • Member 9 years ago

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but did we not show plenty of skin in our original culture before the white man came with his bible and told us to cover up?

  • True talk 9 years ago

    Akua and are both right. There are alot of ways the African woman can entertain us without really showing too much skin but most of our ladies think one way. If only they knew how beautiful beads look great on thei ...
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