I don't give up in life - Mzbel

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  • charles baidoo 9 years ago

    God bless u dear

  • why 9 years ago

    Now uv seen how youv reduced your self before men? The father of your child is even ashame to claim your son in public. Women in gh should learnn interprenureship rather than i need to chase rich married men, in the end youv ...
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  • A concerned citizen 9 years ago

    Do you also know what people say all the time?

  • Stranger 9 years ago

    You shall over come one day....and your enemies will be put ashamed...

  • Abotsi. 9 years ago

    I admire your beauty dear. Never be discouraged or detracted by what people say. The same people who criticize you take delight in watching those naked American musicians perform. It is part of the show biss n l see you as a ...
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  • Ekow Samuel. 9 years ago

    that is good talks but never follow much morney to naked dress to have morney,you must perform your music as clean.