JB Danquah Murder; Political Hands Involved - Informant Confirms

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  • Dan Blocker 8 years ago

    With our greed and idiotic primitive nature, Africans are not fit to practice democracy. What we need is a strong hand dictatorship of a patriotic leader like Nkrumah without his pan-africanism.

  • DR TRUTH 8 years ago


  • kweku trouble 8 years ago

    Very foolish article. These fake and stupid journalists are the ones who will eventually plunge the nation into chaos. Fire burn them all. Ghana web, this is distasteful and classless.

  • Big J 8 years ago

    Did the writer of this crap really expect us to believe this nonsense? Some stupid people think we are all as stupid as they are.

  • kwaku 8 years ago

    The most foolish article ever. I believe it written by the most useless and foolish moo. Pig like you the author. I should not waste time at all.

  • Kwobia (Toronto) 8 years ago

    Please GhanaWeb stop publicizing such nonsense.I dislike the NPP,but I'll not stoop and read this piece of gibberish.Please at least post some disclaimers and disassociate yourself from some of these moronic opinion pieces th ...
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  • DR KUFFOUR 8 years ago

    Ghanaians must wake up and be counted. Why allow such rubbish articles in relation to very sensitive matters in Ghanaweb?

  • Kaku Mensah 8 years ago

    Pls,Ghana Web election is very near.Let stop publishing falsehood.We need credible info.

  • DALLAS 8 years ago

    This's obviously a cooked vs story because the police have indicated that the suspect did not benefit from the justice for all programme. It's a shame anything sells on Ghanaweb this days.

  • boasiako 8 years ago

    so because of power you want to kill your brother ,have you forgotten God is watching?and you will die,God is watching

  • Truth sometimes hurt 8 years ago

    Pleeeease!!! why don't we all learn to allow The CID to do its investigation.It looks like the author of this article claims to have more info than the arrested suspect himself and therefore has to be picked up as well as the ...
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  • Amega hope mawuli 8 years ago

    my fellow voltarians let's forget abt our Rawlings whose opini ons ar no mor regarded by Mahama n his corrupt gangs n v ote wisely fr devt . we hav all seen dat ndc can't perform anything ... let's c hange naw b4 we regret f ...
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  • paa 8 years ago

    You people just put stupid concocted stories up YOU ARE RATHER DESTROYING THE COUNTRY.

  • Yaw Amofa 8 years ago

    Another article hatched by Rockson Adofo, Okoampa Ahoofe and Ata Kofi, Cambrigde. Conduct a good campaign with powerful messages and stop relying on technicalities.

  • witch hunter 8 years ago

    The police must immediately arrest the publishers and authors of this article and question them the source of their information,the police is the only investigative body which can give such information to the public domain an ...
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  • Victus Opoku Appiah Aboagye 8 years ago

    It is only lunatics in this country who will blieve this concoted nonesense story I personally do not understand the behaviuor of Ghanaians trying to politicise everything please let us leave the police to do their work on th ...
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  • dedehene 8 years ago

    Kwashiafo journalism.Mponkyebin.

  • kweku 8 years ago

    Why is this MP informant hiding? He seems to know more than the criminals. Nonsense. This man was once attacked and STABBED because of a woman!!!!! A former girlfriend. THINK!

  • Nana Boaten 8 years ago

    The murder of the late JB Danquah must be properly investigated by the police using their professional skills devoid of any partisan politics and government interference.The National Security must distance themselves from th ...
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  • adjei 8 years ago
