NDC can exceed 1m votes target in Ashanti - Former Minister

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  • AGBEVE AGBENYEGA 8 years ago

    Fix the economy and stop talking about votes!! If you do a good job, your good work will speak for you and automatically win the votes for you. Interest rate is now 33% - the highest in a decade (since 2003). With this, who ...
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  • Prof. Adu Nkansah 8 years ago

    Mahama wants 1m votes for providing Ashanti with 2 boreholes and 2 poles at the airport? I can confirm that Ashanti Region and Eastern region received the least development during the past 8 years NDC rule.

  • Asem Beba debi 8 years ago

    Shut up, u could not even manage the region more than one year, ant you ashamed of yourself? All what you and your NDC know are votes, shame