Fact-check on Obinim’s Bible knowledge

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  • GGG 8 years ago


  • GGG 8 years ago


  • Sinclear 8 years ago

    he account only to the god allmighty

  • EDI 8 years ago


  • NII GA 8 years ago

    What do you expect from the media.

  • Akos 8 years ago

    Please, stop wasting time on this useless Obinim. Remember this days, anything negative is seen as good and writing stuff about him is only making him more popular.

  • Ble Amichia Faustin 8 years ago

    Please mind your words else you will be punished by the Angle of God.

  • Fred 8 years ago

    Angel or angle? Another slup of "pen" from Obinim?

  • Fred Sarpong 8 years ago

    @Amicia Faustin: Angel or angle? Another slip of "pen" from Obinim through his surrogate. Just read the postings of most of his surrogates & draw conclusions for yourself.

  • master 8 years ago

    You know it was a slip of tongue. Obinim has been a Christian for ages and he would not make such a mistake.
    Who checks the journos then?

  • Liza 8 years ago

    How's this a ' slip of tongue' when he specifically mentioned Joseph and Mary's name and went as far as saying an angel instructed Joseph not to divorce Mary? Who makes such a mistake?

  • dizzyy 8 years ago


  • Rene london 8 years ago

    Abeg! He wouldn't even know that; no reporter should waste his/her time asking him about the different Ministries of the Holy spirit. HE DOES NOT KNOW IT.

  • Jay 8 years ago

    There are not five offices. There are five mentioned in Ephesians. Not the same. He is operating from the office referred to as the Working of Miracles. Whether he carries it well or not is a different issue.

  • Jar 8 years ago

    Waste of space!! Ashante illiterates they are the only ones with this foolishness

  • Jay 8 years ago

    Shame on you! Only a myopic person would exude this level of Ethnocentrism

  • Jar 8 years ago

    Ashantes are illiterates they don't have brains

  • eddie 8 years ago

    No one is judging him. It is wrong on the part of Believers. The Integrity of the Word is Doctrine, Reproof and correction. 2 Timothy 3:16
    Obinim is contrary to what the scripture teaches. How could the Holy Spirit be on som ...
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  • Ble Amichia Faustin 8 years ago

    Leave the Angle of God alone. Why don't you concentrate on ur church but rather taking ur headlines lGWC

  • Yaw uk 8 years ago

    Blockheaded man of God shame

  • Opium Wars! 8 years ago

    I do not think the lack of Bible Knowledge applies to just Obinim. For if you have listened attentively to any of these so-called pastors and bishops etc, you would indeed see that the scriptures they quote, bears no relation ...
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  • Jay 8 years ago

    So-called eh? What have you done for the Kingdom lately?

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Bible on faith, instead of Salvation. With faith, it is hard to proof the spirit behind the claim. With Salvation, the scriptures speaks. Even in love the assertions could have various lurking reasons that are not Savior Jesu ...
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  • Princess 8 years ago

    Dumb Ble, no wonder you're a follower of this bleached face idiot. You can't even spell angel, dummy.

  • Jay 8 years ago

    Wow...you're so full of yourself. Remember, there is always someone greater than you

  • Jay 8 years ago

    So you think you're knowledgeable? True spiritual knowledge doesn't vaunt itself. If you could only see the technical breeches in your supplications you'd see you know little. Think moderately in your supposed strengths.

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    I was ignorant like you. Now you do not want it. Out of jealousy. You want to know about me. And the bible is open to all. Who says intelligence is a sin? Aboabi.

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Have a problem. Why?

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Gospel. It is a distortion of scriptures. Your behavior towards others promotes love, not hugging and sitting in groups. Hell angels hug and moves in groups.

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Sanctity. Religious slogans and jargons.Making such fools of bible look connected. They hate Salvation gospel of truth.

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Fuch their pussy.catholic foollies of arse fuckers calloing a dick carer princess.kwaseato.is pope your sister

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Somebody sit st their right hand and left hand, making mockery of transfiguration from the true intension of the Lord God.So they do to the rest of the holy bible. Lateral presentations of scriptures, hating on correct interp ...
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  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Some people wants to read others email by attaching all sorts of satanic pre suspicions on them. I just abundant mine for them to do whatever with it at Yahoo. I was using hotmail having moved from aol during windows 98. My h ...
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  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    It was government scandals and the rest of society has follow suit. This is why I agreed with Snowden 1000%. Governments have no authority to probe our privacy.

  • Wasik 8 years ago

    Televangelists are out there to deceive and make money. It's only people who are 'blind' will follow them.

  • liteo 8 years ago

    Stop the hypocrisy. The entire christianity as a religion is a scam. I don't value religion.

  • liteo 8 years ago

    Is the Most High a christian? Is the Most high a muslim or any of the religious bodies? Religion is a scam. Leave Obinim alone. Perhaps he knows the truth that is why he is creating his. You can create you own doctrines if yo ...
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  • Mohammed 8 years ago

    Ohhhh Obinim, Mary and Joseph in Jesus? The Engel of God slipping the tongue... Hahaha

  • eric odoom 8 years ago

    slip of what? let ghnews check their scripts before talk of others. 4 obinim the least talk about

  • Kofi 8 years ago

    Stop this nonsense n give as better news.
    Why are u always finding fault about him, so u have not seen any good preaching of his that can help lives? We all do mistake when talking, who knows is not edited, even a child know ...
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  • Bismark osei 8 years ago

    Pls let's forgive Obinim, we are bound to make mistake, He may be good in healing not preaching. The gentle man that interview him is the manager of Obtv ( Sammy) I think he should have worked on it b4 they put it on social m ...
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  • Enyonam felicia Acolatse 8 years ago

    Do You know U are just a silly journalism? U have got nothing sensible to talk about than men of God. U will lose your job if U don't stop this . BIG FOOL.

  • SALVATION DELIGHTs. 8 years ago

    Religions on others, failing to accept the quencyquencies. I wish I know you. I be in nm ghana because of you just tonight. You do not fool with others life for pope bullshits. Men I do not respect. Changing bible to promote ...
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  • Prince asamppng 8 years ago

    Hu is he at all

  • Coco 5 8 years ago

    Live long obinem

  • vugaaaa 8 years ago

    please jxt look to your own for the Doom's day hm no one knows.

  • patience-abokobi 8 years ago

    Christ is the basis of Christianity. The bible tells us that if anyone should add something to the word of God, so shall his troubles and punishments be increased and if someone takes some away, he will be dealt with too Rev ...
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  • holuhseyi 8 years ago

    you will never be right in front of your enemies.
    even if you are dancing on water,they will say you are causing Dust.
    if you are praying in your heart,they will say you are causing noice pollution.
    leave Obinim alone,your ...
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  • Yaa Nyamekye 8 years ago

    Ha ha ha, Daniel Edem Obinim, you don't even know your bible! You are a disgrace to mankind!