
Aduana Stars CEO Albert Commey writes; Anas video and its aftermath

Albert Commey   1 Albert Commey is the CEO of Aduana Stars

Sun, 1 Jul 2018 Source: Albert Commey

It all started when friends within the media kept calling and telling me the 'Anas Expose' will shake the foundations of Ghana Football Association. Others pretend not to know anything about it, so try to ask me about what I could do if I happened to be in the video. I simply answer them that it is only a thief that is afraid of the Police.

Finally, the video was shown. Many went to watch it with various comments which I sincerely do not want to comment on for the simple reason that, they are entitled to their own opinions. I did not have the chance of watching the video apart from those on some of the social media which I was made to believe that it was only a segment of it.

Be as it may, I am not bothered about Anas investigating the association but I have issues with it because of the method used. I'm not too clear as to what Anas seek to achieve by baiting people with money. For instance, Kofi Manu says if he works for people, I do not take money but if you show appreciation afterwards I will take. What is the corrupt element here? We are all fallible and as such, how many of us could have stood tall, if those temptations had come their way. I will repeat here that I sincerely sympathize with Mr Kwesi Nyantakyi.

He is human and the downfall a man is not the end of his life. I do not also believe we have seen the end of this video. Kwesi will surely defend himself. Nosing around has made me not to see fairness in this Anas video. I have had reliable information alleging that some personalities who were in the video have been taken out, for what reason one could not tell but judging from their positions they occupied in society, one will not be far from saying they are being protected. If it is true then, it's unfortunate. Where lies the fairness and balance that we all need to build a better nation.


Unless you are a stranger in Jerusalem to know how we the 'football people' jump onto the radio and television with the least opportunity to castigate the establishment to achieve our own parochial interests.

The referees, the least said about it the better. One can not see the big ocean and start picking pebbles; their performance, attitudes, posture etc was a constant worry and that led to the creation of 'Review committee '. I remember when in one the Exco meeting recently we agreed for all matches to be reviewed. All in a move to curb the worrying trend of officiating.

Every association needs reform itself over a period of time so no one is against it but I do know the mechanisms within the association that must be used to achieve it, not what we are all seeing.

The media has over the years grown impatient with the Football Association because some felt marginalized whilst others felt the Football Association was shredded in secrecy. Whether the media was right or wrong some of our own members run to them and paint the FA in a bad light, forgetting that there will come a day when all will be used against themselves.

Over the years before I got elected as an Exco member, some members have had problems with President Nyantakyi and have been bitter with the system.

All these things have one way or the other help Anas video to be supported by many without looking at it critically. In this world as far as your good works can take you, no one can do better than you yourself. I do not intend to judge anyone but leave it the supreme being.


When this Anas video came out and the government gave the case to the Police to investigate, my understanding was that the government will be patient for the investigations to be conducted and findings make known to the public and if those found in tape have questions to answer, the law takes it course but what did we see? The government quickly formed an IMC and went to court labelled all of us in football as criminals and succeeded in putting injunction of the GFA.

When FIFA Rep in charge of our zone wanted to meet the parties to resolve issues, the government used the injunction to prevent the FIFA Reps from meeting GFA. They have also refused to allow Dr Nduom to travel for a meeting with FIFA.

My simple questions are:

What is government hiding that they do not want GFA to be present at the meeting?

Do they have innocent people of football and beyond at heart?

Are they aware players who are to travel out the country to seek greener pastures are losing their chances?

Are they also aware investments of innocent club owner are going down the drain because they have to pay salaries of both players and administrative staffs though there are no matches played not to talk of contracts running?

Executive Committee meeting was called and we decided the following:

1. All Exco members cited on the tape should step aside and clear themselves with the Ethics committee of the FA.

2. We also met with the Ethics committee members and assured them of our support without any interference and their decisions will be respected.

3. We also decided to dissolve the Referees committee and replace it with a new one.

4. We directed that all affected referees, their names be deleted from the referee's list and new name prepared by RAG.

5. We decided to call for early Congress after consultation with the stakeholders in order to draw a roadmap for early elections.

6. We decided to form a committee to propose reforms because it was obvious we have to change the direction of the association.

7. We selected some members to meet the sector Minister, discuss with him our intentions and welcome suggestions from him. We were in the meeting when we had a call that the Police had taken over the GFA premises with arms. We had to leave immediately to the GFA premises. Armed Policemen all round. When we asked their mission, they said they are investigating Mr Nyantakyi on multiple crime so they have declared the offices of the GFA a crime zone.

The members selected to meet the Minister went ahead and met with him. Discussed all the issues with him. GFA is under the National Sports Authority. The director general and six members NSA were cited in the Anas video.

Has government taken steps to dissolve the NSA? What has happened to those who recently went Commonwealth game and some personalities were involved in shameful deals which the deputy minister of sports was made to step aside? Per the government formula, they should have dissolved the ministry and reorganize the place.

It is said unless you see yourself as a problem, you can never solve your problems. Yes, we took decisions but the government made it impossible for us to implement those decisions with the invasion of armed Policemen.

I feel sad when I see and hear some of our people say we did nothing so we should be dissolved to achieve their parochial interest. Who doesn't know they were attending secret meetings with government officials and tend round to play holier than thou?

It was very clear the government is not ready to listen to anything from the GFA judging from their actions. Let me state clearly that we have no intentions of shelving anyone who was cited in the tape but they must be given the chance to defend themselves. 'You can not concern yourself to the most efficient route to your to your destination unless you know your destination'. Did I read Kudjo Fianu getting disappointed with government and Dr Nduom forming a new league? It is getting interesting...... all the nocturnal activities to get Exco dissolved and get themselves in position was known to us.

The question is do they now their destination? I do not think so because all twist and turns is becoming cos 90. Folks, If out of 22 member board, 4 were cited which even are yet to be given opportunity to defend themselves, do we plan or dream of dissolving it? The dissolution of the FA is the least of my problems because I'm the Chief Executive Officer of no mean a club than Aduana FC and that in itself is more than good for me. We are one big family and the current league champions.

What lawful football decisions can the government prevent my colleagues and I from taking? We must fight and save this association.

This is not the time to involve ourselves in divisive, trivial, unnecessary accusations and counter-accusations but fight from a united front and after that let those looking positions go for it.


Stop spending time with wrong people. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their lives, they will make room for you. You shouldn't have to fight for a spot.

Never ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your wealth and remember its not the people that stand by your side when you're at your best but the ones that stand beside you when you're at your worst that are your true friends.

Stop trying to be someone you're not. One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that tries to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter and someone will always be younger but they will never be you.

Don't change so people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love the real you. Stop trying to hold on to the past. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Stop being scared to make a mistake.

Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing. Every success has a trail of failures behind it and every failure is leading towards a success. You end up regretting the things you did not do far more than the things you did.

Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons. Relationships must be chosen wisely. It is better to be alone than to be in bad company. There is no need to rush.

If something is meant to be, it will happen at the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. Stop protecting your relationship just because old ones didn't work. In life, you realized that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you, but most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

Stop trying to compensate against things that are not there and stop trying to compete against everyone else.

Don't worry about what others are doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between you and yourself only.


Columnist: Albert Commey
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