Medical Jokes

Doctor . . . I am Turning into a Horse!

A middle-aged woman enters her family doctor's office in a
frantic state. She says, "Doctor, I think I'm turning into a

The doctor, taken aback, replies, "I'm sure you may have
SOME problem, but I assure you no human has ever turned into
a horse."

The woman became more insistent and said, "Doctor, look at
my teeth. They're getting bigger and more yellow!"

The doctor calmly replied, "Yes, I see. Your teeth appear a
bit larger and more yellow than your last visit, but I don't
think you're turning into a horse."

Getting more frustrated, the woman said, "Well, I think I'm
getting a mane! Look at all this hair on the back of my neck.
It's grown 5 inches in ONE

Becoming more concerned, the doctor said, "You're NOT
turning into a horse. We'll just shave your neck

At this point the woman became considerably frustrated,
speaking faster and louder. "Just look at my finger and toe
nails! They've become very thick and big. I'm developing

The doctor in amazement cried, "Holy cow! I've never seen
finger and toe nails THAT big!"

Then the woman pulls up the back of her skirt and said, "And
look at this, doctor. My backbone is protruding significantly
from my butt!"

The doctor looked in amazement, then started scribbling on a
small piece of paper.

The woman asked, "Are you writing me a prescription?"

The doctor said, "No. I'm writing a memo to my
brother-in-law. He works at City Hall. Take this to him and
he'll give you a permit to take a dump in the street!"

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