Blonde Jokes

How Blonde Was She?

HOW BLONDE WAS SHE? She was soooo blonde... she asked for a
price check at the Dollar Store. she got locked in a grocery
store and starved to death. she sold the car for gas money.
she studied for a blood test and failed. she thought a
quarterback was a refund. she thought Boyz II Men was a
daycare center. she thought Meow Mix was a record for cats.
she thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train. she
thought Taco Bell was where you pay your phone bill. she told
me to meet her at the corner of "WALK" and "DON'T WALK". she
tried to alphabetize M&M's. she tried to drown a fish. she
wrote "Capricorn" on the application where it said, "sign

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