



GhanaWeb TV




Misc Jokes

A Mighty Deep Hole

A traveling salesman was driving down a country road when
the need to get out of his car and stretch came over him. It
was a beautiful day in the countryside so he decided to take
a walk across a pasture.

Along his walk he came across a hole in the ground and as
most guys will do he picked up a rock and dropped it in the
hole to see how deep it was. But, after he dropped the rock
he didn't here the sound of the rock hitting the bottom of
the hole. So, he looked around and picked up a bigger stone
and chucked it in the hole and then listened very
carefully,…but still didn't here a sound. Now the salesman is
very curious about this hole and he looked around for a
bigger stone. He struggles' picking up a fifty pound rock,
gets it to the hole and drops it in but still doesn't hear a

Now the salesman really wants to know how deep this hole is
so he searches around the pasture and finds a 10' railroad
beam. He flips the huge piece of lumber end over end until he
gets it near the hole and with one final push send the beam
down the hole. He puts his ear near the hole and listens very
carefully but doesn't hear a sound.

By now the salesman is hot he's perturbed and turns to head
back to his car when he sees a goat coming across the pasture
straight at him at a dead run with its head down and his
horns up. The salesman sidesteps the goat at the very last
moment only to have the goat rush past him and into the

The salesman stood there in amazement and listened but he
didn't even hear the sound of the goat hitting the bottom.

Willing to mark it up as "one for the books" he turned to
head back to his car. About half way across the pasture he
saw a farmer coming toward him.

When they meet the farmer asks the salesman what he's doing
in his field and the salesman explained he has taking a walk
to stretch his legs and that he had come across this rather
deep hole.

And the farmer says "oh yea, I know all about that hole, the
hole county knows about that hole. Gotta be careful around it
cause it's a mighty deep hole. Nobody's ever found bottom.
Could be the deepest hole in the world. "

"Veryinteresting!" said the salesman.

"By the way", said the farmer, "you haven't seen my champion
goat around here have you?"

The salesman wasn't about to be the one too tell him that
his goat is somewhere near the bottom of a bottomless hole so
he said, "no,.. no I haven't seen him,.. Sorry".

And the farmer said, "Oh that's O.K. he can't go far, he's
tied to a railroad beam".

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