Misc Jokes

An Unusual Ticket

A man was traveling down a Pennsylvania highway when he came
across a construction zone. He noticed a state trooper in his
rear view mirror so he slowed down to the 45MPH speed limit
in the zone. Near the end of the construction area,he noticed
a large
black object flying towards his vehicle. He felt a slight
bump and saw in his mirror that a large bird had hit him and
was bounced right into the windshield of the state trooper.

The trooper immediately turned on his light and pulled the
man over. The trooper asked if he was hurt in

The driver replied that he was alright and questioned the
trooper about his condition.

He replied, "I am OK, but I am going to have to give you a

The man got upset and wanted to know why.

The trooper answered, "For flipping me the bird!"

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