Misc Jokes

Good Neighbours

Fred is neighbours with John and Anne. Fred is always
bothering Anne to show him her breasts (because they are so
gorgeous) and Anne gets grossed out and always tells him to
take a hike. One day when John is at work Anne calls Fred to
come over and help her move something heavy. Fred as a
dutifull neighbour agrees to come over. While there Fred
again asks Anne for a little look see and she turns him down
flat. Then Fred offers her $200.he begs and begs. She finally
agrees but with no touching, he says sure no problem. She
opens her top and there they are the two most beautiful
breasts he's ever seen. He gives her the money and goes to
leave then turns around and makes her the same offer saying
it will be the last time, she agrees and he's blown away
again. John comes home from work and greets his wife asking
how her day was,she says "Well I had Fred come over and give
me a hand lifting the sofa other than that nothing special
dear." John says,"Oh by the way honey did he leave the $400
he owes me.

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