Misc Jokes


A teacher tells her class the new word for the day is
Contagious, she asks the class if they could explain what the
word means. She asks Joe if he can explain what the word
means and he says, "My Mom says to stay away from kids with
chicken pox because they are contagious." The teacher says,
"That is very good Joe." Then she picks Suzie, who says, "The
atmosphere was Contagious." And the teacher says, "Excellent
Suzie." Then she notices that little Johnny has his hand up
at the back of the class, "Yes Johnny," she says. Johnny
says, "The other day me and my Dad were sitting around and we
saw our blonde neighbor painting her fence. She had a tiny
little brush you use to paint model cars, and she was going
in tiny little stokes up and down the fence." My Dad says to
me, "Jesus, its gonna take that cunt ages to finish that

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