Misc Jokes

Hoss and the Warden

Big Ole Hoss was looking for a job. He used to be a Bouncer
at Duffy's Tavern but Duffy spent too much time at the race
track, lost a lot of money and the tavern went bankrupt.

Hoss was big and strong. He heard that the Prison down in
Boondock, North Carolina needed a few more Prison Guards. So,
he jumped in his car and drove on down.

When he arrived, he told them what he was there for. Soon
after, he found himself just outside the Warden's Office
waiting for an interview.

About one hour later, the warden called him in and asked,
"Well Hoss, these guys in here are really tough. I need
someone with lots of experience, who can handle the situation
when big guys act up."

Big Hoss replied, "Well, I used to be a bouncer at a tavern
so I guess I have the experience you're looking for. When
they start causing a ruckus, I'd just thrown them on out."

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