Misc Jokes

The Top 9 Signs Your Roommate Is A Cannibal

9. You often wake up to find your hand in a pot of warm
water . . . with potatoes and carrots.

8. Always clipping those "Flabby White Guy Helper" coupons.

7. All the empty McDonner's containers he leaves around the

6. Maybe he said "head of lettuce" when you asked about what
was wrapped up the refrigerator, but it sure sounded like
"head of Cleatus."

5. Every day, the same routine . . . he comes home from med
school and lets loose a big, loud, formaldehyde-smelling

4. Nervously changes the channel whenever "Cannibals Caught
on Tape" comes on.

3. The tubby kid from across the hall is missing and she's
trying to decide which windows to click on in her Richard
Simmons Food Planner.

2. Well, *you* sure didn't buy that box of BitchQuick in the

1. When you ask what he wants on the pizza, he always says,
"Ask if they have buttocks."

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