



GhanaWeb TV




Misc Jokes

Friday Night Poker

Way back in 1863, in a place called Dodge City, there was a
Friday Night Poker Game. Taco Bill always had one....behind
his restaurant. The sheriff never did find out about it.

Well, one Friday night, the usual players were on hand.
There was Sweet Jim, One Keg Larry, Smokin' Jack, Sour Sam
and One-Eyed Ed. And of course, Taco Bill.

That night, the stakes got really high and everyone was
getting pretty drunk. Round about midnight, someone caught
Sweet Jim cheatin'. As expected, a gunfight broke out. Jim
took 3 bullets to the heart. Unfortunately, Sour Sam got
caught in the cross-fire and he too, took 3 bullets to the

The other players became really worried....not because of
the dead players but rather, they didn't want the sheriff
finding out about their Friday night card game.

Taco Bill spoke up and told them not to worry.

Next day, on his menu was a Special......"All you can eat
Sweet and Sour Meatballs ....10¢".

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