Blonde Jokes

A Miracle

A guy gets to have a chance of a life time. He gets to see
his guardian angel. So the guy is really amazed.

"Can you do any really cool miracles?" asks the guy.

"Well, yeah, all kinds of neat stuff," says the angel. So
they walk over to an old guy, that is blind. So the angel
waves his hand and says, "Now you can see." The old man gets
up and starts yelling, "It's a miracle I can see!"

"How's that for a miracle?" asks the angel.

"No, I think that's more like a stroke of good luck,"
replies the man.

"Ok..." says the angel. They walk on further to where a 7
car pile-up just happened. So the angel waves his hand
again, and everything dissapears. All of the people have
been saved.

"There, now that's a miracle." says the angel. Once again
the man is not satisfied. "I bet you I could do better." So
the angel gives the guy some powers and the guy walks over to
a blonde and waves his hand.

"Now, what is 2 + 2?" asks the man.

"F-F-Four!" says the blonde.

"Now that's what I call a miracle."

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