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Education Jokes

The Homework Assignment

One day, the teacher says for the homework
assignment to go home and tell everyone in
your family that you have homework and record
what they say.

So George went home. His Mom busy doing
taxes. He first tells his mom he has homework
and she's says "Shut up."

Then he goes to his brother which is watching
Batman. George says that he has homework. His
brother sings (in the Batman tune) "Nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah nah Batman."

His sister is talking on the phone. George
tells his sister that he has homework. She
says "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Then he goes to his dad which is cooking
hotdogs and says "I have homework dad." Dad
says "My buns are burning, my buns are burning."

Then next day the teacher asks if anyone wants
to tell aloud to the class their homework
assignment. George raises his hand. The
teacher calls on him.

"Shutup," said George.
"What did you say?" the teacher asks.
"Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Batman," says George.
The teacher then asks, "Do you want to
go to the principal's office?"
George says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Go to the office!"the teacher yells.
In the office the principal spanks him.
Geroge says, "My buns are burning, my buns
are burning."

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