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Education Jokes

Is That Because Mama?

There was this little black kid in the 2nd grade and on the
first day of school they were doing math. When he got home
his mom asked how his day was, and he replied,"I didn't like
it mama we did math today, and I didn't do good. Every one
was smarter than me mama. Why is that mama?" His mom then
replied, "That's because you're black son." The next day he
went back to school they were doing spelling. When he got
home his mom asked how his day was, and he replied,"I didn't
like it mama we did math today, and I didn't do good. Every
one was smarter than me mama. Why is that mama?" His mom
then replied, "That's because you're black son." The next day
at school they had gym and he could run faster, jump higher,
and when they went to the restrooms and he had a bigger dick
than every one else. When he got home his mom asked how his
day was, and he replied, "I had so much fun mama, we had gym
today and I could run faster, jump higher and when I went to
the bathroom my dick was longer than everyones. Is that
because I'm black mama?" His mom replied, "No son that's
because you're 18.

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