Lawyer Jokes

Farmer's Lawyer

A farmer asked a friend to recommend an attorney to defend
him against a charge of bestiality.

"I know a great trial lawyer," the fellow said, "but he's
expensive and doesn't know how to pick a jury. I know another
lawyer," he continued, "who's not a great trial lawyer, but
he's cheap and really knows how to pick a jury."

The farmer settled on the cheap attorney, but immediately
had second thoughts when the key witness, a neighbor, began
his testimony.

"I saw Jed mount his goat from behind," he said, "and when
he was finished, I saw the goat turn around and lick Jed's

The accused farmer was devastated and had all but given up
hope of acquittal when a juror in overalls whispered to the
fellow next to him, "You know, a good goat will do that."

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