
UDS graduates third batch of 33 doctors

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  • ajam 9 years ago

    Any doctor trained in UDS is so smart. I was impressed with the doctors trained in that school. Bravo we need more doctors.

  • KOLA, LONDON PROPER 9 years ago


  • ajam 9 years ago

    There is no doubt the north loves JJ indeed!

  • Repugnant. 9 years ago

    Thanks to Rawlings, he could have purchased a hotel for himself. Yet he chose the higher road, unlike some.

    Thank you Chairman JJR, you are the best
    The thieves are beneath you!!

  • Salisu Gabba 9 years ago

    Are these really well trained doctors???? Not on my body.

  • HUMANISM 9 years ago

    CONGRATULATIONS GUYS !!! My fear is that we should make sure the Univ. produces well trained doctors; not the kind we get from Russia ----- who are usually donated the degrees after specialising in PROPAGANDA training in Mosc ...
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  • JJ 9 years ago

    You even know where Mahama got his degree. But can you tell us where your Akuffo Addo got his degree?

  • ZABS BOY 9 years ago

    the purpose for establishment of the UDS was to create opportunities and fast ruck the development for the people in the north. The university has done nothing to develop the people, what kind of development can we boost of ...
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  • Sammy Atlanta, USA 9 years ago

    If we can train Doctors here in Gha na,then what was the reasons of sending some people to CUBA with the much hard earn Dollars. Mahama and his NDC has to be questioned.

  • Kodjo 9 years ago

    Ah Sammy so you had to bring Mahama into this too??? Look it takes 7 years to train a doctor, we are lacking lecturers, facilities and even if we had all these today are you prepared to wait 7 years for a doctor. Cuba is and ...
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  • Patriot 9 years ago

    What do you mean by the UDS is to fast-track the development of the people in the North?Is the UDS for only northeners and is it only funds from the north being used to run UDS?What about the so many northeners who are in var ...
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  • KOKROKO 9 years ago

    This years admission to The UDC Medical School was very competitive for only Northerners and not all Ghanaians.95% of students admitted were Northerners who scored far less than Southerners with perfect scores.The admission l ...
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  • paa 9 years ago

    Good work if only some of the train doctors will have interest in dental, and other disciplines of their field (mental,the aged,children) etc so that the gap will be filled. Congratulations

  • Time Will Tell 9 years ago

    MOH and GHS must retain most of them to work up there. All of them from the North especially, must be forced to work up there. The reason for President Mahama to select over 90% students for medical studies scholarship outsid ...
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  • I LUV MA LIFE 9 years ago


  • Becash 9 years ago

    UDS trained docs, just value yourselves and know you can do the job. Have confidence, courage, zeal to learn and passion for the profession and, you shall excel.

    brothers, be patient with the external world, for there is ...
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  • Becash 9 years ago

    UDS trained docs, just value yourselves and know you can do the job. Have confidence, courage, zeal to learn and passion for the profession and, you shall excel.

    brothers, be patient with the external world, for there is ...
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  • Becash 9 years ago

    UDS trained docs, just value yourselves and know you can do the job. Have confidence, courage, zeal to learn and passion for the profession and, you shall excel.

    brothers, be patient with the external world, for there is ...
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  • Becash 9 years ago

    UDS trained docs, just value yourselves and know you can do the job. Have confidence, courage, zeal to learn and passion for the profession and, you shall excel.

    brothers, be patient with the external world, for there is ...
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  • ukasha abdul 9 years ago

    congrats guys. im so proud of you. it was a pleasure seating in the same class with all of you. congrats to edwin, rashid, Aziz, rahim and Ahlam

  • ATUONI ASIKANTWAA 9 years ago

    Tell this Professor that this UDS is for the development of all Ghana. So all research should be focused on the whole of Ghana as being done by the other universities and not only on the north of Ghana as being proposed by th ...
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  • asiedu 9 years ago

    Dont search for "lecturers". Many retired specialists can teach undergraduates. All specialists are teachers. The Ghana Medical school started with 99% of people who had never taught in medical school before. Only Dr(later Pr ...
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  • MAHAMA WATER IN KYEBI 9 years ago

    Thank u J J amd N D C I voted 4 NDC and I will vote NDC again in 2016

  • District Manager 9 years ago

    was there a female among them

  • Kenkey Warriors!!! 9 years ago

    Ghana trained docs are all charlatans who only good at guessing illnesses and writing prescriptions.

  • Amevor 9 years ago


  • azemadzi kwaku 9 years ago

    anther batch of butchers have graduated. they specialize in killing.

  • Kwami - US 9 years ago


  • kantinka 9 years ago

    These are no doctors but real butchers. The have no professional ethics and they kill for fun. It's complete joke.