
Kotoko whitewash Lions

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  • Sammy the Sheriff 9 years ago

    Good ending to the first part of the league. Hopefully Kotoko can continue the second half of the league like the way they ended it.

    Kum apem a apem beba Oseikrom boys will surprise the doubting "Thomasses" and win the lea ...
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  • Abele 9 years ago

    You will make it so never loose hope,the hens are coming home to roost.

  • Darkoh 9 years ago

    Fabulous the best

  • Adams 9 years ago

    Let the goals flow in the second round

  • Fiifi 9 years ago

    The later glory shall be greater dan the former kum apem a apem beba

  • Hala 9 years ago

    What happened last two years, the final match decider between us and Chelsea will happen this year.Faaabu