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I wouldn't want my child to go to school for free – NDC Deputy General Secretary

Mustapha Gbande, Deputy General Secretary Mustapha Gbande

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 Source:

A Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mustapha Gbande, has criticized the implementation of the Free Senior High School (SHS) programme.

Speaking in an interview on Onua FM on February 22, 2024, he argued that Ghanaians who are financially capable should contribute to their children's education expenses, in order to alleviate the burden on the government.

Gbande, who expressed his ability to afford his child's education due to his status, emphasized the need for a more equitable and sustainable approach.

He questioned the logic behind providing the same benefits to individuals with varying financial capabilities.

"I wouldn't want my child to go to school for free because I can afford it. So, for the NDC, we agree that for citizens who can pay for their children's school fees, let them go ahead and pay," quoted him to have said.

While clarifying that the NDC does not intend to cancel the Free SHS policy, he highlighted the party's focus on conducting a quality assurance review to ensure the sustainable execution of the project.

"When you look at the feeding component of the Free SHS, the quality is a problem. There is a great debt in the buffer stock, it's not sustainable. Even parents want to support; parents are calling for a review, how much more government. The Free SHS bill is so high," he added.


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