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NLC has the vision to move Ghana forward - Stephen Atubiga

Stephen Atubiga.png Stephen Atubiga

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 Source: GNA

Stephen Atubiga, Founder and Leader of the National Liberation Congress (NLC), has declared that the NLC possesses the vision to propel Ghana forward if given the chance to govern.

He stated that, as part of this vision, the NLC plans to establish new banks to ensure funding for every economic sector and to overhaul the country's infrastructure.

"An NLC government would manage Ghana as a business entity, not as a sole proprietorship, which is how previous governments have operated," he said.

Atubiga made this statement during a press conference in Accra, where he outlined the NLC's vision of instilling hope in all citizens, particularly by creating job opportunities for the youth.

He highlighted that the NLC would set up these banks in cooperation with both nationals and foreigners, with the explicit goal of financing all economic sectors.

"This means all ministries will have banks funding all projects or the commercial sections of all government ministries, in partnership with the citizens," he explained.

Atubiga clarified that after the banks are established, the NLC government would eliminate all government budgetary allocations to the ministries, allowing them to operate as business entities.

The only exceptions would be the Education Ministry and security services, which would continue to receive budgetary support.

He mentioned that the finance ministry would issue letters of credit to all sector ministries to back all projects in collaboration with citizens, enabling commercial projects at all ministries to secure funding from banks in each sector.

Atubiga asserted that a government contractor or any ministry, in conjunction with a citizen and the sector minister, would approach parliament to obtain approval for the letter of credit issued by the finance ministry for any government-awarded projects.

"This strategy assures all privately-owned banks, both local and international, the confidence to fund all projects within each sector of our economy," he said.

Furthermore, Atubiga indicated that an NLC government would tackle corruption by providing adequate funding and independence to anti-corruption agencies such as the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) and the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO).

He also stated that the NLC would offer affordable and accessible legal aid to vulnerable populations and ensure an independent judiciary by fortifying the institution against political interference and bias.

Source: GNA