
RE: Lawyer calls for Akufo-Addo's arrest

Akufo Addo Election

Fri, 3 Oct 2014 Source: Daily Guide

My attention has been drawn to your recent publication of Wednesday, October 1 2014, Issue 230/14, and particularly on page 6 with the above-mentioned caption "ARREST NANA ADDO".

The publication categorically stated that “Lawyer for Hajia Fati therefore could not fathom why Nana Akufo- Addo, whose name was said to have also been mentioned during the attack on Atluk, had not been invited for questioning, let alone arrested in the interest of fairness.

Emmanuel Darkwah therefore charged the police investigator handling the case, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) William Sedoama, who happens to be the Director of Homicide Unit of the Criminal Investigation Department, to also invite Akufo-Addo, introducing a new twist to the case, whilst I was legitimately representing my client.

Contrary to this erroneous publication, I maintain that I made no such request.

At the police headquarters, it emerged that my client’s invitation was based on an allegation that those who had assaulted the complainant in this matter, had specifically mentioned the names of certain persons including my client.

At this stage, I necessarily inquired from the police why amongst the names mentioned, it was only my client who had been invited, and never requested that Nana Akufo-Addo should be invited for questioning, let alone arrested.

In the premises, I demand a retraction of the false publication, an unconditional, unreserved and unqualified apology, with the same prominence as the publication complained of, thereby eroding the misconceived impression created in the minds of the reading public. Indeed, as a professional lawyer, my primary obligation is to vigorously pursue the case of my client, and that is exactly what I did.

I anticipate your prompt response.

Source: Daily Guide