
Stop harassing NDC appointees and prosecute yours first - YCA Secretary to Nana Addo

Amidu Nana Bawumia President Akuf-Adoo has appointed Martin Amidu as Special Prosecutor to deal with corruption cases

Tue, 20 Mar 2018 Source: Daniel Kaku

The outspoken chief scribe of a vibrant pressure group Young Cadres Association (YCA), Mr. Bright Botchway has called on Government to focus on prosecuting its appointees first to serve as a deterrent since those cases are fresh and evidence are not lacking to facilitate prosecution.

The aspiring Regional Deputy Youth Organizer in the Central Region went further to say that the then opposition NPP Government accused the erstwhile Mahama administration of corruption and begged for power that there will never be such instances under their governance but now it is evident that the whole of government appointees majority are embodiment and epitome of corruption.

According to him, President Akuffo-Addo has sheepishly decided to turn a blind eye on the numerous corrupt practices right under his nose and rather decided to go in for scapegoats in the erstwhile National Democratic Congress (NDC) to assuage the cries and murmurs from the hawks within his party.

"President Akuffo-Addo wants Ghanaians to believe his charade of a fight against corruption by going in for soft-targets from his political opponents when the real rots are happening under him"' he explained.

"Example is Dr Opuni is a hardworking man and innocent of all the charges being leveled against him. He is only being prosecuted because of his record at cocoa board", he added.

According to him, President Akufo-Addo has turned the Flagstaff House into a 'cleaning house' hence cleaning his alleged corrupt officials of any wrongdoing.

The Young Cadres Association Secretary has therefore challenged President Akufo-Addo to prosecute the BOST MD, CEO of NLA as former President John Mahama did to his own appointees.

"If the President believes in fighting corruption, he should tell us what he did with those who took, and are still taking USD 20,000 to arrange meetings for him; or those who solicited thousands of Ghana Cedis from businessmen to have them sit close to him. Of course the numerous corrupt acts happening at BOST even as at today cannot be said to have escaped the attention of the President."

"Or has he not seen reports of Osei Ameyaw, his appointee at the National Lotteries Authority (NLA) awarding eleven (11) contracts to his sister-in-law in a single day! So if Nana Akuffo-Addo is really committed to fighting corruption, he should emulate President Mahama who had the temerity to put members of his own party on trial", he added.

The Attorney General last week filed some 27 counts including a charge of causing financial loss to the state against Dr. Stephen Kwabena Opuni.

He is being sued together with one Seidu Agongo, CEO of Zeera Group of Companies and Agricult Ghana Limited, beneficiaries of a supposed fraudulent fertilizer contract worth over GH¢43 million.

The first court hearing has been scheduled for March 23, 2018.

Source: Daniel Kaku
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