
NPP is now not popular, let's remain united - Nana Akomea urges

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  • YSL 8 months ago

    You now admit that u are not popular?Some of your paid commenters don't see it that way at all.They even think u are now even much more popular than ever.

  • FRANKIE 8 months ago

    Unity will not save your corrupt, supremely incompetent and inept party. You simply don't have the brains to govern. Yiur unity will not put food on our dinner tables. Performance will, and you've failed woefully and abysmall ...
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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 8 months ago

    The popularity lights were deemed by acrimonious, disrespectful Akufo Addo who seem to be having extreme bipolar disorder. His recent disrespectful comments to chiefs and people of Asante, Central and Volta Regions suggest h ...
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  • Nii Adjei 8 months ago

    How many times have you stiff-necked f**ls not been warned about Akufo-Addo destroying the party. Unfortunately some of you will defend him at the perils of your lives. And how dare you Nana Akomea call for closing of ranks? ...
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  • Abraziaa 8 months ago

    Akomea and week thinking your dog president akufo Addo is animal and week thinking president fool's

  • Mr Bones 8 months ago

    I will vote for Mahama, and Nana please return my vote back to me

  • Vandal 8 months ago

    After imposing Bawumia on now turn around to tell us that the party is not popular..or u no get the veep that's y

  • Kwaku Ananse III 8 months ago

    Arrogance. Arrogance. Arrogance. Your Maurice Ampaws, Wontumis, Koomson’s, etc, are your downfall. And I am from the NLM/PP/PFP tradition. The NPP is done.

  • Kay De 8 months ago

    It's not popular because of your Akyem mafia egoistic, arrogant and stiff-neckedness behaviours. FOOLS. .

  • Philp 8 months ago

    Nana Addo has destroy the party

  • Uncle Pee 8 months ago

    Very good advise from an experienced politician.

  • KWAKU OWUSU 8 months ago

    NPP was given a golden opportunity to serve but have wasted and abused it. It saddens the heart of most of us. Your greed, disrespect, selfishness, arrogance etc have destroyed everything. You have made our lives far worse t ...
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  • Yesu Mogya 8 months ago

    The kind of politics that removed John Mahama and never be tolerated ever again in Ghana. It was the lowest of the low, and anyone who won power through such means wld beat the wrath of God. We all shd be ashamed for blind ha ...
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  • Nana Kofi 8 months ago

    Have u checked yourself, Nana Akomea
    Ure one of the problems

  • Ex-Pope 8 months ago

    Akomea, you're finally seeing that your lies and deceptions having helped your incompetent three-legged race horse Aplanke Bawumia, so you're crying for party unity, as if being unified will serve as a fourth led for that inc ...
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