
Amin Adam is part of the mess, why is he replacing Ofori-Atta? - UCC lecturer asks

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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 7 months ago

    Mixed bag of contaminated criminals hailing Akufo Addo's Julorbi House crime scene

  • Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ 7 months ago

    Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+

  • Uncle Pee 7 months ago

    Ghana didn't get to this economic challenges because of mismanagement, to correct the UCC lecturer. Before Covid, our economy was rated among the fasted growing in the world. When Covid locked down the country, no public work ...
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  • Papa 7 months ago

    You are an idiot. The mess started in 2019 when key actors were cautioning about reckless borrowing. Were you in India when we paid for covid recovery lavy for how long? How much was spent on your so called free water and ele ...
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  • Kom 7 months ago

    Short memory. You calling someone an idiot because he expressed his opinion? I guess you only read and listen to Ghana news.

  • IRS 7 months ago

    So wei so y3 lecturer? What is the mess that has been generated? If intellectuals are these dishonest and won't come out and say they are partisan, then Ghana has a long way to go.

  • #Nana 1 7 months ago

    Indeed if you think Ghana economy isn't in a mess, then Ghana has a long way to go as you said partisan has blinded your intellect. And because of that you could not understand the article you read and commented. Know today h ...
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  • Abena 7 months ago

    No outsider will take this appointment. The man has riddle the ministry with huge mess. No right thinking outsider would accept this dangerous post.

  • Adam 7 months ago

    Oh Ghana We like talking. When did the new minister sent to the MOF to warrant the lecturer's question?

  • Okyere 7 months ago

    Shoulf he appoint u...jealousy

  • Kojois 7 months ago

    What mess. Stupid is ghana on fire. Bush people don't understand mess. You are on recovery a after covid

  • Kwame 7 months ago

    Sometimes partisan interest and stupid personal ego of some Ghanaians scholars make acquisition of PHD Certificate uninspiring. Just imagine this scholar with no street sense every pathetic!

  • M.T 7 months ago

    If the vice chancelor of UCC is removed from office due to poor performance and you are made the vice chancelor, is it fair if we say "You are part of the mess"? In your current capacity as a lecturer do you have the authorit ...
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  • Ato 7 months ago

    So were you expecting your be named to replace him ?

  • ZUZA 7 months ago

    Which mess?? Why do some of these guys from academia think they’re entitled to make such politically biased and insanely profound statements? I hear some referring to the Ghanaian economy as a ‘collapsed economy’. Such ...
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  • Bompata Krukuro 7 months ago

    Frankly speaking Ghanaweb loves fools.Where are the mess the imbecile is talking about?We saw and witnessed the real kind of messed Mahama and his incompetent thieves exhibited.Dumsor mess,no chalks to schools mess,workers no ...
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