
Tamale Mayor allegedly slaps health officer over transfer of an acquaintance – Report

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  • Xyz 7 months ago

    Exit him from his post and get some one who is more accommodating .

  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 7 months ago

    Arrogance of power. Copy Copying of Akufo Addo. Hail Maria

  • TAKE OR PAY DEMON 7 months ago

    These people will bring war to Ghana p333.

  • Who Killed Mills 7 months ago

    Things rot from the head. If addo was a decent leader none of this would come from his appointees. If it were to be me, I would have wacked that idiot who calls himself a mayor with whatever I could lay my hands on. The minis ...
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  • Rex 7 months ago

    They have realized that even after they soundly beat them,they will only be made to pay for the hospital bills and pay some money to the victim and then left off the hook like the useless stupid GhanaJournalist Association di ...
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  • £EARN, TRAIN, MAKE MONEY 7 months ago

    Don't become a spectator this year. Last year's investors in this skill are reaping now. Being intentional is important for achieving personal success & skilling up is a big part of INTENTIONALITY. This day, unleash your pote ...
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  • Frank Agyena-Karikari 7 months ago

    That is what happens when some nobody people grow wings as a result of political affiliations, they think that they are above the world. Let all officials in the Health Sector in the region or Ghana go on strike until this NP ...
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  • Who Killed Mills 7 months ago

    I agree with most of what you are saying but asking addo to hear you is a futile exercise so don't bother. Not even 80 of his own MP could get him to sack his finance Thief. He changed his job title but doing same work

  • Kilogram 7 months ago

    Has Ghanaweb run out of relevant news? I will help:
    The presidency has announced that Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is acting as President.

    This was contained in a post made on Facebook by the Jubilee House on Presi ...
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  • John Boadu 7 months ago

    Foolish boy!! Don't you know your stupid Akuffo Addo has only been attending these summits to go and sleep as he opens his mouth wide for international TV crews to show him the flies entering his mouth??

  • AB 7 months ago

    That did not stop the Mayor from slapping the Environmental officer

  • Zamata 7 months ago

    So? Is this the first time he's acting as president? Does acting as president not part of his job as driver's mate? Isn't the president a tourist president who flies out every week to attend ghosts summits and conferences? Mt ...
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  • Ochee-Do-Chee 7 months ago


  • Nana Bee jnr 7 months ago

    This can not happen in a developed country. If he doesn't, he will see the repucation, believe it or not. I am the one who make sure offenders get kill .Thanks

  • Kwame not Quame 7 months ago



    This mayor clearly has no control over himself. Self control is a vital requirement for any leader. He is clearly not fit for this office

  • True Ghanaian 7 months ago

    So the gentleman was standing there and the mayor slapped him three times? Where did this take place? In mayor's office?

  • Kalimba Mozambo 7 months ago

    Was a complaint filed at the police station ? Why get slapped 3 times and do nothing ?

  • PIGS ARE RULING GHANA NOW 7 months ago

    @Kalimba & @True Ghanaian, the two of you out there are nothing but stupid, reckless, diseased, and roaming WILD PIGS..!!!!!!! You are part of the bunch of animals that your stupid president Nana Akuffo Addo is keeping in his ...
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  • Sunday+and+religious+gatherings+dress 7 months ago

    "CIVILITY IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS"" the slapped officer was civilized .
    The mayor slapped someone for doing a national duty,,his love one should not be transferred , so what does he think of those who were also transferred ...
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  • Kwabena Gyam 7 months ago

    The officer who was slapped should cause the arrest of the mayor.

  • Bob 7 months ago

    You think causing the arrest of an offender is easy in this corrupt country. The police will take your money for free and won't do anything, going to the police is waste of time.

  • Sunday+and+religious+gatherings+dress 7 months ago

    The mayor should be sued by the officer and the ministry of health.
    The mayor should resign and face the full law.
    He has already let the party down by one mo, no one may vote for him.

  • Truth 7 months ago

    True talk. If you can use your own means to solve your problem, physical or spiritual please do. Don't waste your time with the police and the courts. They are a waste of time.

  • Who Killed Mills 7 months ago

    Are you recommending Antoa? Does it work. Even Atoa got robbed you know. Whole of Ghana is sleeping so much so even the Antoa gods were not awake to stop themselves being stolen

  • Sunday+and+religious+gatherings+dress 7 months ago

    This is not to he duty of the officer to cause his arrest,,THE MINISTFY OF HEALTH MUST DO IT,,the officer should sue him personally.
    Lawless streets to LAWLESS office.
    He was lawless on the street, got a chance into an offi ...
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  • Fila 7 months ago

    Ahhh, He should also have slapped him back. Case closed.
    The health officer be Jon.

  • Bastie is a SATANIC Homosexual 7 months ago

    Breaking News and Crime Alert !!!. — Bastie is a SATANIC Homosexual

    Bastie is a TERRORIST member of Alquedas, and ISIS TERRORIST Organizations

    Bastie is a dangerous Enemy of Ghana, ENEMY of Asante Empire that stretch ...
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  • Kumasi Gbemelã 7 months ago

    Do you even know your root?

  • Gbemela is a SATANIC Homosexual 7 months ago

    Gbemela is a SATANIC Homosexual

    Gbemela has the Roots of Inferior BloodThirsty Vodoo created in the image of Satan, June 4th TERRORIST, and Cat eater, Dog eater, shit carrier

    Gbemela is forever and ever INFERIOR

  • Peter 7 months ago

    Why are our leaders always quick in slapping subjects.? Leaders are role models and should behave as such.

  • Afwoa 7 months ago

    He should be reported to the police for assault. Why wasn’t that done??????

  • Osei mensah bonsu 7 months ago

    They should sue him without delay. What can apology do. That idiot drunkard can only be a mayor under npp

  • Frank Agyena-Karikari 7 months ago

    Don’t bring politics into this. He behaved foolishly and must be punished. If you want to bring politics into this, then let me ask you if you remember Jeremiah John Rawlings slapping and beating his own Vice President at a ...
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  • Sampson Ahiagbor 7 months ago

    The MCE ,if he slapped the officer should be reported to the police for assualt. However, the Regional Environmental Health Officer has no mandate to post officers out per the
    local Government Structure.All decentralized d ...
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  • Papa 7 months ago

    Stop displaying your ignorance. How can transfers from regional office be approved by an MMDA? Are you normal. Local Government transfers are from RCCs with an approval from the office of the Head of Local Government Service ...
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  • NTOW 7 months ago

    It’s becoming obvious that these NPP people love slapping a lot. Desperate people in desperate times

  • OSAFO KANTANKA 7 months ago

    This is a case of assault and should be handled by the police. Charges should definitely depend on the severity of the assault Whether causing Bodily harm or( GBH,) grievous bodily harm. Nobody should have to suffer fr ...
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  • Frank Agyena-Karikari 7 months ago

    If the story is true, people from the Ministry of Health should go on a sit down strike until the NPP fool is dismissed to join the Unemployed lane. It is getting to elections and Nana Addo and Bawumia will not sacrifice the ...
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  • Kumasi Gbemelã 7 months ago

    Is he an animal? He should be dealt with severely. Who does that village champion think he is?

  • Bob P. 7 months ago

    Evidence of the evil demolic NPP idiots ruling Ghana.

  • AKA 7 months ago

    The mayor supposed to be removed from office, he is not fit for that position.

  • Damba from Tamale 7 months ago

    The mayor was as usual under the influence of Alomo bitters. They should pardon him, besides he is barely left with 10 months to go. NPP never again!!!

  • Igp 7 months ago

    Lodge complaint with the police for assault. Politics is not war or fight. Get him arrested to face the law.

  • Finder 1 7 months ago

    Do we have Mayors in Ghana? Who is a Mayor

  • Oyibo 7 months ago

    We are just lazy, what is the protest about? Send the mayor to the police station for assault and let's see what happens. Going on protest because of this is senseless.

  • My god 7 months ago

    Why didn’t you slap him back. 3 slaps for free. Kick his balls hard.

  • Kwasi Kusi 7 months ago

    Mr Mayor, remember that political power is transient and you will one day regret. Why don't you simply learn to say Iam sorry.

  • Tanko 7 months ago

    Out of control mayor. Even presidents get impeached for misconduct.

  • Sunday+and+religious+gatherings+dress 7 months ago

    No one is above the law, he should face the law.
    The man accept the apologies but the law must work.
    He should resign,

  • Kk 7 months ago

    The officer also acted with ignorance. Why should you transfer the spouse of the mayor. Even those whose partners are in different towns are seeking to join their families. W’abo noaa w’abo no

  • Frank 7 months ago

    The story said an acquaintance and not a spouse, even if that was the case I don't think violence was the way to go.

  • Afua Iceland 7 months ago

    Some people, a major?

  • Sunday+and+religious+gatherings+dress 7 months ago

    The ministry of health should use this guy to set an example that no one is above the law.
    He should face the law, both the ministry and officer ishould sue him.
    This is behaviour is possible in ONLY TAMALE,,
    This sometim ...
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  • Shmuel Ja'Mba Abm 7 months ago

    These children of All-Die-Be-Die are from the same Delta and Invisible Forces mother.

    Because they believe in the use of intimidation and violence, the tools of their acestors which killed the African dream and the overt ...
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  • bxyd 7 months ago

    Transferring staff anyhow because you have the power to transfer.Constructive dismissal transfers in public institutions must be looked at.

  • Accra is 7 months ago

    I would have slapped the Mayor more than 10 times if I were the health officer, what kind of nonsense is this?Tweaaa

  • Kk 7 months ago

    Slap the damn mayor back. Why didn't he do that ?? Or he intends to sue?? Fuckery

  • Mba Afa 7 months ago

    That is actual certificaye of failure in his parlimentary bit

  • Samakati 7 months ago

    Sue the feudal bastard for physical assault and emotional pain!

  • Mike 7 months ago

    It’s sad to have a leader without leadership skills. It seems Appointments are made solely on political basis. We are heading in the wrong direction. Very sad!!!

  • He should be sacked immediately 7 months ago

    What is our president waiting for

  • Joy 7 months ago

    Hahahaha. Peace must be there

  • Thief of Staff - Akosua Frema 7 months ago

    The mayor should be dismissed or he should offer an apology. Cattle and donkeys. Kwasiaa4 buuluubuuluuu!!!

  • Vivian 7 months ago

    A vote for npp is a waste of sperm. Twaaaa

  • KofSam 7 months ago

    The mayor works under the regional minister and therefore the minister must solve this issue by taking appropriate action against the Mayor even if the mayoral post is a presidential appointment. This not a case that Akuffo A ...
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  • Alhj 7 months ago

    I don't think this mayor is fit to handle animals. He thinks we're living in a jungle.The health organizations from the national level must withdraw their service in the region like how the media handle these lunatics who par ...
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  • Willie 7 months ago

    This is an assault case and must be reported to the police. Secondly Ghana Health Service should take the matter up and finally the whole health services should go on demo to get that idiot out of office. Mr President over to ...
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  • Ex-Pope 7 months ago

    Elephants are supposed to be gentle creatures, but the NPP unfortunately has too many slappers in its midst.

  • TRUTH STANDS 7 months ago

    Have faith in Ghanaian courts and take this to them.
    No one is above the law!
    This is an assault.