
Stop maligning the NHIS boss - Young Democrats

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  • Isidore 11 years ago

    The Holy family hospital in Techiman, does not accept NIHS. May I know what the NHIS Boss is doing about it? I'm not in any way supporting the maligning of the Boss.

  • Julie 11 years ago

    for me the only thing i want MAHAMA to do is that if he could see that somebody is not doing his/her work to the satisfaction of the public that person should be replace. i think that will solve a lot of problems.

  • JJ 11 years ago

    Yesterday i went to the hospital in Accra here but NHIS was not accepted may i know the reason why?

  • Concerned Ghanaian 11 years ago

    JJ which hospital are you referring to? Please be specific.

  • NII LARTEY NARTEY 11 years ago

    The NHIA Boss has proven beyond every reasonable doubt that he is just unfit for the job. Certainly he does not know his subjects as the Boss of the NHIA and might be good to go help clear the Accra garbages. Period!!!

    How ...
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  • Kofi 11 years ago

    Is the NHIA an arm of the NDC? Propaganda cannot do the work for professionals.