
Captain Mahama's killers escorted out of Court amidst insults

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  • SETH 7 years ago


  • Brain rejuvinator 7 years ago

    So this people going to live and our taxes will be spent on them again while they kill a prominent soldier?

  • insight to the bone 7 years ago

    Anybody knows you hear the name Mahama and you know some sophisticated fishy business or crime is being committed using various institutions as their camouflage cover . You listen to the various videos and you may even hear t ...
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  • francis kwarteng 7 years ago

    Nation wide talk about the killers of Adam Mahama, who was said to have protected the CHINESE "galamsayers" who are doing more harm to our water bodies and farming lands?

    Currently we are all focused about injustice, taki ...
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  • Hudu 7 years ago


  • THE MADMAN 7 years ago

    all in all, very sad, we need to learn lessons from this unfortunate situation.

  • asem 7 years ago

    Wicked people, all of them akans. Since Nana became the president, the Akans are doing too much stupidity giving this man a bad name. They are lazy and don't want to work. At the time the incident happened, that was the exact ...
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  • monkeytail 7 years ago

    When elite gets killed Now is time to changed.. What are they doing to with the Mob youth that killed that old woman? is the police even looking into it? plus.. This is why people like you will always stay a sheep

  • Tom Thumb 7 years ago

    If you have nothing sensible to say about this sad case then don't! This is not the time for tribal nonsense and politics.

  • Facts 7 years ago

    Asem, you such and idiot and hypocrite. So deluded of you to even make comments about tribes. All of them are Ghanaians and instead you you saying something reasonable or providing solutions you here discrimination about trib ...
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  • Jacky 7 years ago

    Fool, what has tribalism got to do with the killing of an innocent man...

  • Facts 7 years ago

    Jacky thanks for waking asem up. He's lost! He's got no brains. Well said...side with you !

  • AMA TX USA 7 years ago

    This is very sad is time we stop that tribal politics to allow the laws of the land deal with those wicked ppl

  • Zebila donkey Rider 7 years ago

    Cpl. Matthias Donyor was lynched in Bolga in uniform whiles on Operation Calm life , there was no any publicity and his family was left to their own faith. Is it because he is an other rank? All lifes matter.May the souls of ...
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  • Enyona 7 years ago

    Thanks Zebila, Ghanaian are hypocrites we have 1st class citizens and 2nd class citizens,some people life are precious than others,If we refuse to treat people equal,this will never stop,because he from Ex ...
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  • Old Soldier 7 years ago

    Zibila Donkey Rider
    When was Cpl Dornyo lynched? I am interested in that story. From your submission you sounded like someone who was in the military. I am ready to take that matter up. By the way I like your name.

  • Kwame, Virginia 7 years ago

    Ghana police and gyimii de3. Always engaging in useless show off. Do you have to yell at them? Did they refuse to get on the car??

  • Redoff 7 years ago

    You are complaining about yelling.The family of the captain would have preferred for him to be yelled at a thousand times instead of what these criminals did to the innocent man.You can go and burn the sea.Do you know the num ...
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  • Kwame, Virginia 7 years ago

    Masa just make your comment and cease making a porous argument. How did you know all those who are being escorted are guilty?? It is the court that will determine if indeed all of them did that dastardly act. Haven't we seen ...
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  • Jail them for life 7 years ago

    They are too wicked, how can they take life because of galamsey? "Wo mo tri mu wo sum" don't spare them at all. Let them mention names of all those who were involved in the killing, "mo aku obi ba kwa" very very sad..the way ...
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  • Alhajia Sani...Kumasi 7 years ago

    The poor person when lunched goes free. There as been robbery across the country innocent people are killed and nothing happens. Tatales robbery no one cares to nearly took the Togo police to c ...
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  • good magic 7 years ago

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  • black powers the grand master 7 years ago

    black magic spell caster professor in science divine
    Doctor divindra yogi
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    power of casting black magic out
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  • Nana Powers (+233265882533) 7 years ago

    Good  news for those who are ready for help I'm a spiritual man of god's who helps people to find life easier to people,Protection and more blessings, Am sure and I promise everyone who needs my help will never regret in the ...
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  • Hudu 7 years ago

    Kill them all...they deserve it...stupid illiterates...