BIC launches BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge for basic schools

BIC (4).jpeg BIC launched the BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge

Wed, 5 May 2021 Source: BIC

BIC, a leading global stationery brand has launched the BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge. The competition, themed “My COVID Experience,” provides an avenue for pupils of selected schools to artistically express their COVID-19 experiences.

BIC believes that art plays an important role in society. For this reason, the brand has long been an advocate and supporter of the arts, providing platforms for artists around the world to creatively express themselves through various art forms, including portraits and designs.

Addressing guests and dignitaries at the launch, Mr. Léonard Ehouabolet, Senior Marketing Manager, BIC West and Central Africa, said the BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge draws direct inspiration from the success of the BIC Art Master Africa contest, a similar competition organized for professional artists across Africa.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic however, the brand has had to depart from its regular school activations which attract large gatherings. In its stead, BIC introduced new activities such as the BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge to engage students and young artists.

He stressed that Africa is blessed with a lot of talent in the field of art, but to continue developing and become competitive on the global stage, there is the need for new avenues that nurture talent and recognize artistic ability. He also highlighted the need for the continent to focus on developing art from the grassroots, which the new children’s competition will help address.

Mr. Ehouabolet further opined that art plays a significant role in a child’s life and development, such as their communication, problem-solving, social, emotional and fine motor skills, as well as self-expression and creativity. As such, children’s involvement in the BIC® Kids Junior Art Master Challenge would give them a much-needed boost in their development.

“Though Art may seem like a fun engagement for many, it’s significance in helping to expand children’s ability to interact with the world around them and providing a new set of skills for self-expression and communication cannot be understated”, Ehouabolet emphasised.

Participants in the contest will be grouped into two categories - the Junior Category which comprises pupils from classes 1 to 5 and the Senior Category from classes 6 to JHS 3. Teachers and parents should strictly follow the guidelines to prevent disqualification of entries and ensure the students embark on a colourful journey with BIC in its hunt for Ghana’s Junior Art Master.

Details of the Competition are as follows:

1.Official launch is scheduled for the 4th of May 2021 at the Penfield School. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a few dignitaries and students will be invited for the launch.

2.For fair participation, pupils will be grouped into two categories, the Junior category which will comprise pupils from classes 3 to 5 and the Senior category which will be constituted by pupils from classes 6 to JHS 3.

3.Participants will be required to artistically express their COVID experience on an art paper provided by the organizers.

4.Entry works must be done by pupils without any professional help from guardians and/or a professional.

5.For an entry to be valid, participants are to take pictures of the artwork together with the BIC stationery products used for creating it.

6.Parents are required to sign a consent form attached to the art paper given to participants.

7.Valid entries will be reviewed and scored a judging panel led by the renowned Ghanaian artist and sculptor Enam Bosokah.

8.The first-placed pupil from each category will be invited to battle other winners from other schools at the Grand Finale to be held at the National Theatre.

9.Winners from the Grand Finale will be rewarded with educational scholarship and products from BIC.

Once again, the theme for the competition is “My COVID Experience”

Source: BIC