Bolgatanga Airport Project

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Wed, 22 Nov 2023 Source:

Project Area

The Bolgatanga Municipality was established in 2004 by Legislative Instrument (LI) 1797 (2004). Located in the center of the Upper East Region, approximately, between latitudes 10°30' and 10°50' North and longitudes 0°30' and 1°00' West, it is also the regional capital of the Upper East Region. Bolgatanga Municipality is bordered to the north by the Bongo District, south and east by the Talensi and Nabdam Districts, and to the west by the Kassena-Nankana Municipality. Bolgatanga Municipality covers a total land area of 729 square kilometers. The municipality was the first of three municipalities to be established in the Upper East Region (the others are Bawku and Kasena-Nankana Municipalities).

The Bolgatanga Airport Project: A Brief History: The Bolgatanga Airport project was initiated with the aim of providing the Upper East Region with a gateway to national and international destinations. It was envisioned as a catalyst for economic growth, job creation, and improved connectivity for the region. Unfortunately, despite initial investments and enthusiasm, the project came to a standstill over two decades ago, leaving the region without an operational airport.

Bolgatanga's Unique Identity: Bolgatanga, the capital of the Upper East Region, boasts a rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking natural landscapes. The revival of the Bolgatanga Airport is not merely about infrastructure; it's about preserving and celebrating the unique identity of this region. The airport will serve as a gateway to the vibrant traditions of the frafras, Builsa, Kassena, and Nankana peoples, who call this place home. It will also allow the world to experience the stunning beauty of the Tongo Hills, Paga Crocodile Pond, and the vibrant Bolga market, known for its distinctive Bolga baskets.

The Need for Revival:

1. Economic Development: The revival of the Bolgatanga Airport would unlock immense economic potential for the region. It would attract investments, and facilitate the export of agricultural products, ultimately leading to increased employment opportunities and improved living standards for the local population.

2. Improved Connectivity: The absence of an operational airport has hindered the region's connectivity to other parts of Ghana and the world. A functional airport would make Bolgatanga more accessible, reducing travel time and costs for residents and businesses alike.

3. Transportation and Logistics Hub: The Bolgatanga Airport can serve as a vital transportation and logistics hub for the entire northern region of Ghana. It can facilitate the movement of goods and people, reducing the cost of transportation and making products from this fertile region more competitive in the national and international markets. Improved transportation infrastructure will also attract investment in warehousing and distribution, further boosting economic growth.

4. Educational Opportunities: Access to quality education is a fundamental right, and the revival of the Bolgatanga Airport could significantly enhance educational opportunities in the region. It would attract educational institutions, researchers, and students from across the country and beyond. This influx of talent and resources can lead to the establishment of educational centers, research facilities, and scholarship opportunities for the local youth, unlocking their potential and empowering them for the future.

5. Cultural Exchange and Tourism: The Upper East Region is home to a rich tapestry of cultural diversity. The revival of the Bolgatanga Airport will provide an avenue for cultural exchange and tourism promotion. We envision cultural festivals, exhibitions, and events that celebrate the region's heritage, attracting tourists, artists, and enthusiasts from across the globe. By sharing our culture with the world, we not only enrich the lives of visitors but also provide economic opportunities for local artisans and performers.

6. Investment and Job Creation: The revival of the Bolgatanga Airport project will serve as a catalyst for investment and job creation. Not only will it create employment opportunities during the construction phase, but it will also stimulate the local economy in the long term. As the airport becomes operational, it will require a skilled workforce for various functions such as air traffic control, airport management, security, hospitality, and maintenance. These jobs will not only offer a source of income to the local population but also provide opportunities for skill development and career growth.

7. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): We recognize that the revival of such a significant project requires collaboration between the public and private sectors. We are actively exploring public-private partnership opportunities to leverage private sector expertise and investment. PPPs can help share the risks and rewards of the project, ensuring its sustainability and success.

8. Inclusivity and Gender Empowerment: Our commitment to inclusivity extends to gender empowerment. We believe that the Bolgatanga Airport project should create opportunities for women in the region. Whether it's through employment in various airport-related functions, entrepreneurship opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sectors, or participation in decision-making processes, we aim to ensure that women are active beneficiaries of this project.

9. Transparent Governance and Accountability: Transparency and accountability are at the core of our advocacy efforts. We are dedicated to ensuring that the funds allocated for the Bolgatanga Airport project are used efficiently and effectively. We advocate for transparent governance structures and regular reporting mechanisms that allow the public to track progress and hold stakeholders accountable.

10. The Global Perspective: The Bolgatanga Airport, once revived, will not only serve as a regional asset but also connect the Upper East Region to the global community. It will facilitate international trade, promote cultural exchange, and open doors for partnerships with organizations and countries around the world. The airport will be a symbol of progress, showcasing the region's readiness to engage with the international community.

The Path Forward

Our journey to revive the Bolgatanga Airport is not without challenges, but we are determined to overcome them through collaboration, persistence, and innovation. We continue to engage with government agencies, international organizations, and the private sector to secure the necessary resources and expertise to make this dream a reality

Our Vision

We envision a Bolgatanga Airport that serves as a catalyst for sustainable development and growth in the Upper East Region.

Our Values

Our values revolve around enhancing connectivity, economic development, infrastructure excellence, tourism, education, sustainability, community engagement, safety, partnerships, and continuous improvement to realize our Bolgatanga Airport’s vision.

Project Team Members

• Gabriel Akakire Agambila

• Naba Patrick Ayinbila Asaliya

• Stanley Abopam

• Habiba Alhasan

• Issah Bukari

• Bishop Akolgo

• Asana Yakubu

• Anamolga Augustine

• Shadrach Agambila

• Peter Amaleboba

• Awindor Victor

• Jesse Atuah

• Mbah Akudbila

• Clothilda Awae

• Zahara Cato

Together we wlll enagae and develop

Collaboration among diverse stakeholders, such as government authorities, local communities, aviation experts, and potentially private entities, is crucial for the engagement and development of the Bolgatanga Airport.
