Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council

Mon, 14 Dec 2009 Source: BARCC

The Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) has learnt with deep regret, the alleged attack on some journalists by certain individuals during the BA @ 50 Awards Ceremony held on Saturday, 12th December, 2009 at the forecourt of the Veterans Association of Ghana (VAG) Hall in Sunyani.

While the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) totally condemns in no uncertain terms the alleged attack on the journalists, it is further emphasized that, the Council had no connection or involvement in the unfortunate incident which took place and therefore completely disassociates itself from it.

Meanwhile, the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) would like to assure the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) and the affected journalists in particular of our unflinching support and that everything will be done within our mandate to ensure that the affected journalists get appropriate justice.

Indeed, the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) has always maintained very cordial working relationship with the Press and wish to give assurance to the affected journalists and the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) that it would continue to foster and maintain the already existing cordial relationship between the two bodies in order to achieve unimpeded development for the region.

Against this background, the Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) shall not condone any acts of indiscipline by any individual or group of individuals that have the tendency of marring the existing cordial relationship between the Co-ordinating Council and the Press in the region and therefore wish to assure the affected journalists and the Ghana Journalists Association that, the alleged attackers when identified would be made to face the full rigours of the law.

Furthermore, the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) wishes to assure all journalists working in the region of their security and safety and that they should not feel intimidated by this isolated incident, but remain resolute and determine and to continue to work as usual in collaboration with the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) in the overall interest of the region. In conclusion, it is the firm intention of the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) to take proactive measures to find an amicable solution to the matter within the shortest possible time and therefore we wish to make a passionate appeal to the affected journalists and the Ghana Journalists Association to bear with us by exercising maximum patience and restraint. We hereby render an unqualified apology to the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) and the affected Journalists in particular.

Issued by Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) dated Monday, 14th December, 2009.

Source: BARCC