CSOs urge the president to expedite action on draft conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022

An anti- corruption group

Thu, 3 Aug 2023 Source: Emmanuel Wilson Jnr

CSOs in Governance and Anti-Corruption calling on the President to expedite the enactment of the draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022. We firmly believe that swift action is necessary to combat corruption and restore public trust in our governance system.

The draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022 represents a vital tool in our ongoing fight against corruption and unethical practices within public institutions. This legislation will play a crucial role in establishing clear benchmarks for ethical conduct, provide comprehensive guidelines for the behavior of public officers, and create robust mechanisms to enforce accountability.

Our leaders must recognise the gravity of the situation and take immediate action to demonstrate their commitment to eradicating corruption and upholding the principles of good governance.

In addition to our call on the President, we the undersigned CSOs urge other civil society organisations and the media to unite and amplify our collective demand for action. It is through a collective and unified voice that we can generate the necessary pressure needed to fast-track the enactment of this crucial legislation.

By holding public officers accountable for their actions, we can ensure effective service delivery, attract investment, and safeguard the rights and welfare of our citizens. This is why we call on the President to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to fighting corruption by swiftly advancing the progress of this bill.

We stand ready to collaborate with all stakeholders and lend our support to bring about a corruption-free Ghana, and a zero tolerance to corruption from those serving the nation and citizens in the public sector.

Source: Emmanuel Wilson Jnr