CTVET to upgrade 5000 master crafts apprentices this year

48238417 Head of Corporate Affairs for CTVET, Mr. Albert Opare, others

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 Source: CTVET

The Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is set to roll out a skills upgrade training for 5000 master craft persons and apprentices by the end of this year.

This was made known by the Head of Corporate Affairs for CTVET, Mr. Albert Opare on Friday, 20th October 2023 at the Akaal Skills Development Academy in Kumasi.

Mr. Opare whilst speaking to the media as part of an official visit to some selected training providers implementing the Ghana TVET Voucher Project indicated that, as part of the efforts the government to ensure that standards in the TVET sector are improved, the government with funding support from KFW has been rolling out the Ghana TVET Voucher project since 2018.

According to him, the Ghana TVET Voucher project is a project under the Ghanaian-German Financial Development Cooperation, co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank and the Government of Ghana. The Commission for Technical Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is the implementing agency.

He also mentioned that, in all, the government targets to train some 50,000 master craftsmen and apprentices to upgrade their skills under the ongoing Ghana Jobs and Skills Project and the Ghana TVET Voucher project being implemented by CTVET.

He further indicated that, in addition to the 5,000 apprentices who are expected to be trained under the Ghana TVET Voucher Project (GTVP), the Commission had also planned to train some 2,500 apprentices as part of the Ghana Jobs Apprenticeship Project (GJS-AP).

Mr. Opare indicated that apprenticeship training will combine workplace-based training offered by a workplace training provider (master craft person) and classroom-based training offered by an accredited training institute (referred to as a Training Provider (TP).

The project will offer a more formalized, standardized apprenticeship system, through the inclusion of formal training providers, the development of standard curricula and underpinned by a sound quality assurance system, which is more integrated into the government’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training qualification framework (NTVETQF).

He concluded by saying that, “apprentices will also participate in a generic program offered by the training provider in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Health and Safety, Interpersonal Relations, and General Entrepreneurship”.

“The project will also support literacy and numeracy training through non-formal education for apprentices, as may be necessary. This education will be provided on the days the apprentice receives classroom-based training at the training provider. Apprentices and master craft persons will also receive ICT training under the program”, he indicated.

CTVET as part of the GTVP and GJS-AP provides demand-driven training vouchers to CTVET-registered master craft persons, their apprentices, and workers.

The vouchers are used to fund competency-based training (CBT) courses in– CTVET accredited training institutions for certification in National Proficiency Levels I and II and Certificate I and II respectively.

Source: CTVET