All interested institutions have been advised to reach out
Integrated Data Systems is excited to announce the launch of its flagship online school ERP System, a comprehensive digital platform that automates all key processes thereby reconnecting students, parents and teachers in a seamless way, with 19 featured modules ranging from Virtual classes, Online Testing,
Homework/Assessments, Automated Fees and Billing, Report cards, Staff Management, Mobile app for parents, Attendance, GPS Tracking, Notifications just to mention a few.
Speaking at the launch via zoom, the CEO, Nii Addo Tetteh said, "Now more than ever we cannot downplay the question of digital transformation within the educational space and has, therefore, become critical that our institutions scale up, and that is why this tool will empower our institutions now and beyond. The future of education in Ghana and Africa as a whole will be hinged on technology and that’s the more reason why we need to act now.
As earlier announced during the product demonstration, we are giving this system to all interested institutions for their operations at this time at no cost - our package will include hosting fees as well as set up and staff training cost.”
The objective for this is to mitigate the impact of this pandemic on the academic prospects of our wards as well as enhance the general quality of interaction among all stakeholders.
Interested schools only need to email us on or call our offices.