Generations For Peace, Ghana holds forum to assess programme impact

Executives captured in a photo

Fri, 12 May 2023 Source: GFP

Generation For Peace has held a Participatory Evaluation (PE) forum to assess the impact of its Sports and Arts for Peace Programme with Social Emotional Learning for Children (SP-ARPP) at Deyoungster’s International School in Adenta.

The Participatory Evaluation serves as a learning platform and an opportunity for GFP to review its progress so far.

Lead Pioneer of GFP, Ghana, Naa Adei Dsane-Boateng, elated about the success of the program stated that the positive feedback from the PE will be factored to improve future programs.

“The gains from the just-ended cycle and the previous are worth safeguarding. Sustainability has become a watchword in the development industry,” she stressed.

Some parents noted that their children’s human relations have positively improved since they joined the SP-ARPP and wished that it could continue so other children could benefit from it.

The Participatory Event was attended by parents and friends of participating school children, as well as teachers and other stakeholders in and outside the school.

In total two hundred (200) learners from Deyoungster’s International School, Adenta participated in the program. The program, which should have started in 2020 after training volunteers in 2019, had to drag to 2023 due to COVID-19.

About GHA GFP SP-ARPP SEL - ‘Share A Smile’

Sport and Art for Peace programs for children seek to use sports and arts as an entry point to engage with the younger generation through carefully facilitated sport-based games and arts that provide a vehicle for integrated education and behavior change.

For our Community Engagements, we had artworks of our GFP Tree and two GFP Hopscotch with most words used during our program for the DeYoungster's International School and its community.

The GHA GFP SEL SP-ARPP Programme was initiated in January 2020 after initial preparatory processes, including a special training of pioneers in Jordan in October 2019 for the implementation of the program, training of delegates in December 2019, and a meeting with key stakeholders. The preparatory plans for the commencement of the program went well with little to no hitches. Per initial plans, the program was expected to conclude in September 2020.

The program which was billed to conclude within a period of about nine months, from January 2020 to September 2020, had to travel over two years due to the advent of COVID-19. The implementation team had to readjust to the times and incorporate new measures to ensure the program ended successfully.

About GFP

Generations For Peace (GFP) is a Jordan-based global non-profit peacebuilding organization founded by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan in 2007.

Dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grassroots, Generations For Peace empowers volunteer leaders of youth to promote active tolerance and responsible citizenship in communities experiencing different forms of conflict and violence.

Carefully facilitated sport-based games, art, advocacy, dialogue, empowerment, and media activities provide an entry point to engage children, youth, and adults, and a vehicle for integrated education and sustained behavioral change.

For further details


Kofi Ahovi


Media Officer

Source: GFP