The National Democratic Congress (NDC)
Students have suffered and are still suffering since this government came into office. The past three years saw the introduction of the new curriculum at the basic level. Books and other teaching and learning materials have not been supplied to the Ghanaian student who is going to be the doctor to take care of masses in the next 15 years.
This weak educational foundation this government is giving basic school students is alarming. Not to talk of starving secondary school students, nursing and teacher trainee students.
Since the introduction of the guarantor free system to the student’s loan trust fund, loans are not being disbursed and this has led to the deferral and eventual drop out of students. Fortunately or unfortunately sports betting came to do magic and save some students from dropping out. We woke up one day to hear the government who is making no effort so far as ordinary Ghanaian education is concerned is taxing 10% of the BET wins of the already suffering, unemployed
Ghanaian youth. This is unacceptable.
Ghanaian students are already suffering from this over 50% hyperinflation affecting prices of food stuff in the market, affecting hostel fees and also over 40% increase in utilities bills. Now the cost of data to do research is also mind boggling. Everything is expensive and it has made education
not a right but survival of the fittest.
This 10% BET wins tax is going to cause double taxation because the government is already taxing these betting companies 20% tax of which is being transferred to consumers. What happened to social contract between Ghanaians and this government of moving us from taxation to production?
Was it a mere campaign promise? This is unacceptable! The ordinary Ghanaian student is disappointed in this government.