3 time-saving and scheduling to help balance your work life
Maintaining a healthy work and life balance is one of the most common problems university students face.
Segmenting your schedule to fit studies around your day-to-day activities is one way to manage your time more efficiently while also keeping enough free time to feel like you can relax and have a personal life outside work and study.
That being said, there are many factors that are in your control that will help you manage your time better and give you more structure when planning your study schedule.
These 3 time-saving and scheduling tips can help you maintain a healthier work/life balance:
1. Take Time Off
This may seem unexpected, but burning out is a very common result of students trying to accomplish too much in too short a period of time. Taking some time away from your work has been proven beneficial for your focus levels and increases your capacity to take in information when you return.
Go for a walk, read a book, spend some time doing the things you enjoy and then return to your studies and you will notice a significant improvement in your focus levels.
Allowing your mind to rest gives you the necessary boost of energy to keep you zoned in during a hefty study session. If you have a lot of material to cover, consider starting your studies earlier to give yourself enough time to cover everything while also having enough flexibility in your schedule to fit in study breaks to relieve some stress as well.
2. Plan your time efficiently
Knowing when and what you are going to study is just as important as the act of studying itself. There are many different kinds of schedules students can make to manage their study times in a manageable and tidy way in order to keep a healthy study/life balance.
If you require more of a visual representation of your day’s schedule, you can print out a daily calendar and fill in the time slots during which you want to study.
For those that prefer a more organized but less visual schedule, you could set several alarms that will signify the start and end of each study session. This can help you stay on top of your coursework while also giving you enough time to organize your work.
As we live in the 21st century, there are, of course, several applications and programs that could help you organize your time effectively. This article lists the top 11 applications that all university students should have! Read the article for ideas!
3. Take Care of Yourself Physically and Mentally
There are several things you could do to improve your work/life balance. Some things you can do may affect both your physical and mental well-being at the same time, while others can focus primarily on one aspect of your health.
For example, exercising regularly primarily benefits your physical well-being, although it has been proven that a healthy daily exercise routine, no matter how brief, has mental health benefits as well, improving focus and fatigue.
On the other hand, taking a break to do something you enjoy, whether it be a hobby you may have or just taking the time to go for a short walk does boundless good for your mind. Allowing your mind to rest, as mentioned above, helps to avoid burnout and fatigue.
You have a myriad of options when it comes to finding an escape that can benefit your mental and physical well-being simultaneously. One method is keeping a healthy sleep schedule. Getting between 7 and 8 of sleep a night can help you manage your hunger levels, gives you a boost to your memory, and has been scientifically proven to decrease the risk for certain serious health conditions.
A healthy diet is another method of improving both mental and physical health. Being sensible with what you put in your mouth can keep you energized throughout the day and can be the key to taking care of your well-being.
These tips for maintaining a healthy work/life balance will hopefully help to set you on the path to success! For some more interesting articles, check out our blog!