JOY2012 Press Release-Gays and Lesbians

Wed, 21 Mar 2012 Source: --



The office of JOY2012 has taken keen interest in the latest power wielded on gays and lesbians by the Youth in James Town Accra. What hitherto was accommodated by the community has now been ascended into this high level of rampage and demonstration. What is scary about it is the demonstration of the youth to carry out the same rampage in other communities believed to harbour gays and Lesbians.

The office of JOY2012 commends the professional way the police administration has handled the incident to date. The incident has become a high security threat due to the recent popular respond by President Mills to the unguarded commandeering statement by the UK Prime Minister, David Cameroun. The response has therefore brought the issue to a highly conspicuous spotlight to the ordinary Ghanaian who hitherto overlooked the practices of Gays and Lesbians.

The intensity and obsession of the issue across the nation is the referent religiosity by all Ghanaians irrespective of their religious beliefs, Christians, Muslims and Traditionalists. The Ghanaian society abhors Gay and Lesbian practices but cares for their lives. The imminent threat as reported in The Ghanaian Times edition of Wednesday, 14 March 2012, is the fact that the youth stated to the police "Their activities are depriving us of women. Anytime a man decides to go after a woman in the area these lesbians will pounce on him and beat him up". What an irony and who born dog?

What has aggravated the action of the youth as learnt by the intelligence gathering of the office of JOY2012 is the belief that the response by President Mills was just sheer propaganda in an election year to deceive Christians, Muslims and Traditional leaders but nothing will be done about it. However, the Nigerian President, Good Luck Jonathan, has backed his words and stance on gays and lesbians by ensuring that the Nigerian Parliament enacted a law on the LGBT practices.

It will be recalled that, the office of JOY2012 was the first political entity that commented and directed how Ghana should handle the LGBT on 14 June 2011 by stating that "Their wealth and influence in society are exceptionally phenomenal and unstoppable by religious and legislative arguments even by strong legislative institutions and powerful governments. How can the government of Ghana and our 230 MPs in parliament who as it has been alleged can even be influenced with only $5,000 to sign the Vodafone deal, can ever withstand the power of the gay and lesbian community? The law is made for Societies and not rather the reverse".

Lives and properties are endangered by the spark of the action of the Youth in James Town and the President, Prof. Atta-Mills is once again called upon to show clear-eyed and decisive leadership to spare the lives and properties of both Youth across the nation and the LGBT community.

The office of JOY2012 however suggests that in order to lay rest perpetually of the gay and lesbians issues in Ghana and to save Ghana's sycophantic leaderships in the face of their begging developed world leaders, Ghana must do the following to resolve legally and help the LGBT community in Ghana and the world.

1. Ghanaian Parliament must immediately take decision on the Gay and Lesbian practices

2. Room should be made for the issue during the referendum that would accept the new constitution being reviewed.

3. Since the gays and lesbians are known medically to be imbalanced in the composition of the brain chemicals, Psychotherapy centres should be established in strategic areas to help practitioners.

4. No one can attack gays and lesbians, but practitioners can be handled like those who wilfully transmit HIV to others.

The office of JOY2012 would also like to take this opportunity to advice all peace loving Ghanaians to ensure that they get registered biometrically. The integrity of the Biometric Register is much dependent on the process of registration and the integrity of the data. Those who are under the age of 18years are seriously advised not to dare as well as foreigners in Ghana. Parents are advice to ensure that their under aged children are spared of any form of harassment.

However, those who will be voting for the first time, "The Azonto voters" are encouraged to register to ensure that the Azonto victory for JOY2012 becomes a reality.

It is the duty of all Ghanaians to work relentlessly for peaceful and authentic co-existence beyond 2012 election so that there will be Jobs, Opportunities and Youth Empowerment beyond 2012.

Thank you all.

Jacob osei Yeboah

(Next President of Ghana, 2012)

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