MultiChoice MD, Cecil Sunkwa-Mills features on Y Leaderboard Series

Cecil789, Managing Director of MultiChoice Ghana, Cecil Sunkwa-Mills

Wed, 4 Nov 2020 Source: YFM

Ghana’s number one youth-oriented radio station, Y107.9 has hosted the Managing Director of MultiChoice Ghana, Cecil Sunkwa-Mills on the Y Leaderboard Series.

As is the norm on this authoritative show, the leader shared some of his childhood memories, upbringing, career, family life and life mantra.

Growing up, Cecil noted that he learnt how to build relationships with others and also be competitive in sports.

“You learn how to build relationships and be competitive with sports. If you didn’t have a girlfriend they would laugh at you and having a girlfriend meant having someone you could share a pencil with. As a child of a headteacher and enrolling in primary school at age 5, Cecil recounted, “It was a struggle”.

Speaking on his career path, Cecil revealed that he had always wanted to be in the medical field. However, his work at the Red Cross organization was more business-related that he found interest in marketing and business.

“The Red Cross exposed me to more things that I did well. My dad died when I was 26 and overnight, I had to grow up. There was nobody to shepherd me. I just had to do what I had to do. I think what I had that steered me on was my mindset , a growth mindset. I always thought that when a door closes another opens so I did not stop”.

Cecil highlighted the importance of mentorship both directly and indirectly when he shared: “When I was in primary school, there was one guy, Siaw Tata; he is the person who built the ABC brewery. His kids were my mates in primary school.

I admired how he organized his family but then he was not really educated but he had set up a big business. There were others that I narrowly got to meet but I saw the work that they did. And I said that when I grow up I want to be like them”.

Commenting on his family life, he praised his wife for her enormous support that has helped him over the years to achieve greater things.

He used the opportunity to advise parents to support their children on any career path and desist from imposing a career path on their children.

Probably what you want them (Your children) to do is good but they have their own dreams and they should be left to do their own things. Support them to do it” he added.

In his concluding remarks, he advised the youth, "Don’t go for a fixed mindset. Always go for a growth mindset. Nothing is cast in stone. Yes, mistakes can only be the key to your next steps. It is never too late to pick up something and go to the next one.

If something doesn’t happen now, it can still happen. What is most important is to take your time, look at yourself and look at the most important things that you want to do".

Programmes Manager for YFM Accra, Eddy Blay, speaking on Cecil’s interview on the Y Leaderboard Series, commented: “We are really privileged as a country to have great leaders who are ever ready to inspire the youth.

Cecil throughout the interview hammered on perseverance; having a growth mindset despite the mistakes you may make in life. This is undoubtedly one inspiring lesson we must pick to go on when things get tough”.

Source: YFM