National stakeholder forum on review of dbe curriculum

Thu, 31 Mar 2016 Source: Gyan, Enock

For Immediate Release

Accra, 30 March, 2016- Tomorrow, The National Teaching Council (NTC) and the Institute of Education (UCC) with support from Transforming Teacher Education and Learning (T-TEL) will hold a National Stakeholder Forum to articulate a vision and identify the key themes and issues that will drive curriculum review. This vision will enable newly qualified Teachers to meet the recently adopted Teaching Standards, and enter their career pathway for in-service professional development, and in addition improve the quality of teaching and learning opportunities for children and young people in Ghana. The forum will therefore provide an opportunity for stakeholders to make input into the process and approach for the eventual review of the Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) Curriculum.

Harnessing the energy and expertise of stakeholders across the teacher education sector, the Forum will promote: innovation, inclusion and best practice for best results. The audience for the forum will include: College of Education leaders, University leaders, Curriculum experts, Teacher educators, Policy makers, Development partners, Policy implementers, Head teachers, Trainee teachers and Civil Society Organisations.

The Ministry of Education, through the National Teaching Council, and with support from the T-TEL project have already developed a draft set of Teachers’ Standards for pre-service teachers. The Standards were shared with national stakeholders at a forum in GIMPA on February 1, which recommended the Standards for adoption as the guiding principles underlying the curriculum for all providers of pre-service teacher education. This followed an earlier National Policy Dialogue held in January 2015 in Dodowa, this also recommended the use of the National Standards as a basis of a future curriculum review for pre service teacher education and training.

Tomorrow’s forum will seek to actively engage stakeholders with each other, and address how to further align the Teacher Education curriculum with ongoing developments in the school curriculum so that new teachers are fully prepared to deliver inclusive and equitable quality education for all their pupils.

Building on the outcomes of the forum, T-TEL will continue to work with Stakeholders on curriculum development to secure highly effective and motivated teachers ready to inspire our children, to support their progress, learning and achievement, as the next generation to lead the country’s progress and prosperity.

About T-TEL

Transforming Teacher Education and Learning (T-TEL) in Ghana is a four-year Government Programme supported by UKAid. Through an investment of £17 million – over 90 million cedis – T-TEL aims to ensure Ghana’s student teachers are equipped to deliver high quality teaching and learning in schools across the country. T-TEL is supporting the implementation of the new policy framework for Pre-Tertiary Teacher Professional Development and Management.

Working with the national education institutions that contribute to teacher education, T-TEL supports the country’s 38 public Colleges of Education on their path to becoming tertiary “centres of excellence” and producing high quality teaching graduates who can ensure our children support boys and girls to succeed at school.


Media Contact

Enock Gyan/

Source: Gyan, Enock