Newmont Ghana Committed to providing economic opportunities for its Host Communities

Fri, 3 Aug 2012 Source: Agbeko Kwame Azumah- Communications Manager, Ahafo Mine Site

In response to a demonstration held today by a group of youth from Kenyasi No.1, one of the host communities of the Ahafo mine, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited highlighted a number of programs in place designed to increase youth employment at the Ahafo mine.

As part of its ongoing commitment to open and honest communication with stakeholders, Newmont, in consultation with the various community stakeholders through the Ahafo Social Responsibility Forum (ASRF), holds an agreement that informs Newmont Ghana’s local employment policy.

Under the terms of the agreement, all non-skilled labour is reserved for citizens from our local communities while those with the requisite skills are offered fair opportunities. All prospective local employees must have their applications validated by the Traditional Authorities, Assembly members and Youth representatives from their own communities. Currently, about 37 per cent of the workforce is from our 10 host communities. Out of this, 294 are from Kenyasi No.1.

The Kenyasi No. 1 Youth Association is signatory to the Local Employment Agreement, and Newmont has consistently engaged with them and other youth associations and community members on an ongoing basis.

On this current non-employment claim, Newmont has met the Youth Group together with the District Security Council and clarified issues based on available statistical data.

While we are very much aware that we cannot employ everyone who wants a job, we have remained committed to creating opportunities for skills development and empowerment to all our host communities. Under our four-year Apprenticeship program, which is meant to provide our local youth with the relevant skills tailored to our operational needs, we have 83 young men and women from our host communities, 11 of whom are from Kenyasi No1. We have also facilitated the participation of our youth in local and international capacity building initiatives.

Through our flagship social responsibility programmme, the Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation, we have provided over 2000 scholarships to students from our host communities as well as established a micro finance program to support local entrepreneurs. Since 2005 Newmont has been working with the Government’s Integrated Community Center for Employable Skills (ICCES) in host community Gyedu to rehabilitate the facility and transform it into a sustainable vocational training center. This has been done in collaboration with Opportunities Industrialization Centers International (OICI) who are now managing the ICCES providing vocational training opportunities to youth from all surrounding communities including Kenyasi No. 1.

Newmont Ghana reiterates its commitment to act with integrity, trust and respect, consistent with our social responsibility values and policies. Newmont Ghana remains committed to creating shared value for our host communities and will continue to dialogue with all stakeholders on all issues of mutual concern. **

Source: Agbeko Kwame Azumah- Communications Manager, Ahafo Mine Site