Pad Her Up Campaign: Intelligent Lady Network celebrates World Menstrual Hygiene Day at Asuogyaman District

Intelligent Ladies Donation Some Intelligent Lady Network officials and beneficiaries in a group photograph

Sat, 1 Jun 2024 Source:

The Intelligent Lady Network, a community of accomplished and emerging professionals across various industries proudly commemorated World Menstrual Hygiene Day with its annual ‘Pad Her Up’ Campaign. The event, focused on raising awareness and promoting proper menstrual hygiene practices among young adolescent girls and women took place at the St. Joseph Methodist Church in the Asuogyaman district.

Bringing together girls from 7 different schools, educators, and community leaders for a day of empowerment and education, the occasion highlighted a series of interactive sessions led by staunch members of the Network. For five consecutive years, the Network, which is heavily invested in the holistic development of young adolescent girls and women in Ghana has delivered on their mandate to improve menstrual health, fight period poverty and eradicate the stigma associated with menstruation.

The event commenced with an inspiring address by the School Improvement Support Officer (SISO), Ms. Adelaide Dansoa Owiredu, who welcomed attendees and other invited dignitaries. “We are happy to share in this important day for the girl child and women across the world. We have a special group in our midst to educate our girls and we cannot wait to see what they have prepared for us.”

The first facilitator and also Communication Lead for the Network, Ms. Maame Efua Arthur emphasized the significance of the day, stating, “World Menstrual Hygiene Day is an opportunity to educate and empower young women to take control of their health”.

She added, “The Intelligent Lady Network as part of its philanthropic efforts in the Ghanaian community organize “Pad Her Up” Campaign every year to promote proper menstrual health and well-being, particularly in vulnerable communities. By encouraging girls and women to adopt proper menstrual hygiene practices, our organization seeks to help end period poverty and tackle certain misconceptions about menstruation.”

Ms. Arthur held an interactive session to teach participants about the menstrual cycle and periods to prevent the inevitable, and how to create and use a "period kit" — a collection of essential items to manage menstruation effectively. Participants were educated on the proper use and care of sanitary products such as pads or cloth. Volunteers demonstrated on the before and after use of these sanitary items.

Mrs. Priscilla Tomdell, a dedicated advocate for women’s health and the second facilitator for the day engaged the girls in a session of ‘myth busters’ to transform their mindsets against the numerous misconceptions in the society. She provided practical advice on managing menstrual health such as eating a balanced diet, managing period pains and emotions.

One of the significant purposes of the campaign dubbed, “1 cedi to Pad Up” received a warm reception from the participants. They were encouraged to save 1 cedi a day from their school allowances and any other monies to accrue enough funds to purchase their own sanitary pads. Girls embraced the idea and promised to make their own susu boxes from household items to put the practice into motion. Girls also treated guests to melodious tunes about girl child education.

Invited guests, teachers, girl child coordinators and about 500 girls benefitted from a range of sanitary products including pads and tissues. Besides the acquisition of knowledge on menstrual hygiene, this gesture left a lasting impression in their minds as they showed gratitude to the team from the Network.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of the Asuogyaman district, Hon. Mavis Akonnor added her voice to the discourse, reiterating the importance of ensuring proper personal hygiene during the time of the month and admonished the girls to be vigilant as they mature into young adults and not engage in activities that will interfere with their education.

The event concluded with closing remarks from other important dignitaries expressing gratitude for the collaboration; Mrs Augustina Adjoa Owusu- District Director of Education, Asuogyaman and Madam Christiana Esi Armah- District Girl Child Officer. They underscored the importance of outreach such as the ‘Pad Up’ campaign in improving the lives of young women and the overall community.

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Intelligent Lady


Phone: 0302228965/0541887994

