Press Release By Ambassadors For Nana Addo (AFONA 2016)

Mon, 8 Feb 2016 Source: AFONA 2016


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration led by His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, over the past Seven (7) years has fearfully thrown the country Ghana into a state of despondency; a situation if not handle with care, could cause mental illness among majority of Ghanaians.

Ever since the NDC took over power in January 2009, Ghanaians have been slapped with several increment of Utility Bills, Taxes, fuel increments and in general, poor management of the economy, which has led to huge loss of revenue including oil. In fact, the level of borrowing by Government which has escalated to a debt close to GHC99 billion cedis without investing in areas of growth is becoming more dangerous, especially where unemployment continue to increase among the youth. It is therefore not a fluke that this government is close to the first position of a corrupt government on the continent.

Whiles some Government officials are busily completing and furnishing their buildings and buying expensive properties lavishly with state resources for fear of losing power in November 7, the President has forgotten to check the level of corruption in his government, but rather, poor Ghanaians whose businesses have collapsed as a result of this same increasing corruption by his NDC, have once again been slapped with 15% increment of transport fares arising from the wicked increment of fuel and petroleum products by 27%, amidst the hardship Ghanaians are going through. This has exacerbated the worse situation Ghanaians find themselves. It is also an indication of insensitivity of the highest order on the part of government which has touted itself as social democrats.

The level of poverty in the country is so overwhelming such that, President, John Mahama is applying the PERSONAL RULE approach to pursue his agenda for November 7 general elections, by distributing materials and other gifts to seduce the poor in society, after making them poor.

In a lecture delivered by Alfred Marshall on Kleptocracy and Divide-And-Rule; A Model of Personal Rule, he stated that many developing countries have suffered under the personal rule of kleptocrats, who implement highly inefficient economic policies, expropriate the wealth of their citizens, and use the proceeds for their own glorification or consumption. According to him, many countries in Africa and the Caribbean suffer under “kleptocratic” regimes, where the state is controlled and run for the benefit of an individual, or a small group, who use their power to transfer a large fraction of society’s resources to themselves. Examples of kleptocratic regimes include the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) under Mobutu Sese Seko, the Dominican Republic under Rafael Trujillo, Haiti under the Duvaliers, Nicaragua under the Somozas, Uganda under Idi Amin, Liberia under Charles Taylor, and the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos. In all these cases, kleptocratic regimes appear to have been disastrous for economic performance and caused the impoverishment of the citizens. In Ghana, President Mahama is a typical example of a Kleptocratic leader.

This Government continue to waste state resources, example, commissioning of projects which its credibility is in doubt, in terms of cost. Additionally, Ghana Television will spend hours telecasting live, the Commissioning of a simple Senior High School, where the President himself and Ministers of state would gather in a small village with huge security personnel present. This could have been done by a mere District Chief Executive. Indeed, what he, President John Mahama described as an exercise in mediocrity is today being hyped as an achievement.

Ghanaians have seen it all, the Personal Rule approach seeks to create an opportunity for longevity of the NDC administration to continue to stay in power, loot and share state resources.

Ambassadors for Nana Addo (AFONA 2016), is requesting Ghanaians to entrust the leadership of this country to his able leader, Nana Akufo Addo, a competent leader who will not steal our resources and additionally invite Gitmos’ to torment us, but rather, he will put our resources and revenues collected into good use, which will affect our lives positively, whiles engaging in good foreign policies that seeks to open a market for development. November 7 is an opportunity for Ghanaians to show maturity once again and vote massively for Nana Addo and the New Patriotic Party Parliamentarians who will bring truth and development to the door step of the ordinary Ghanaian.

Thank You,


Joseph Otoo

(National Coordinating Secretary, AFONA 2016)


Source: AFONA 2016