Press Release by NUGS CapeVars


Press Release Issued On December 21, 2007 By The National Union Of Ghana Students (Nugs), University Of Cape Coast Secretariat

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS), University of Cape Coast secretariat wishes to call on the National Assembly to expedite action on the passage of the National Identification bill into law. The bill when passed will enable the nation keep a database of all citizens on a national identification system by giving qualified members of the public national ID cards.

The secretariat views it as inappropriate and long overdue that since the attainment of independence the nation cannot boast of a national ID. We are of the considered opinion that the passage of the bill into law will increasely enhance national security, unmask potential threats, guard against illegal activities, and promote welfare of Ghana students and the public at large.

Since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) by member states of the United Nations in 2000, these targets have become shared focus by developing countries and their partners for human development. The introduction of the national ID will enable students and the general public have easy access to financial resources to access education and to better their economic lives respectively.

The alarming situation precipitating the call for the law is how access to education irrespective of whether public or private oriented has become a preserve for the rich, despite government claim on macroeconomic stability and the effect on the cost of education today. Ideally, one would expect that given the stability with regard to economic indicators, the cost of education will be relatively stable. But the economic presumption has been defeated in this regard. However, one must still access loans to enable them pay fees. Therefore, students will have to look up to SSNIT Loan scheme or the Students Loan Trust Fund whose requirement of guarantor(s) is a sine quo non for the loan. Research conducted by the secretariat reveals that the difficulty of guarantors required under the loan schemes will come to an end if the bill is passed.

Furthermore, the law will dramatically deepen the growth that is seen in the financial sector recently. This is because the financial institutions` confidence in the general public will be awakened as a result of reliable, relevant and sufficient information of all citizens on a national data system, thus increasing advancement of loans to the public which has the effect of reducing the poverty index in Ghana. In calling on the legislative arm of government to speed up the passage of the National Identification bill into law, we humbly appeal to all Ghanaians to change our attitude towards work and have a can-¬do spirit as we enter a new year. Sgd: THEOPHILUS TAWIAH (PRESIDENT, NUGS) University of Cape Coast Branch 024-4079982

Issued in Cape Coast (21/12/07)