Statement of press launch of People’s Redemption Movement on monday 21st august 2023

42357242 Executives captured in a photo

Tue, 22 Aug 2023 Source: PEREMO

Ladies and gentlemen of the press, we have invited you here today to send through you a message of renewal and hope to our fellow citizens of Ghana and the world at this moment of great fear, despair, and anxiety that has gripped the psyche of the nation.

Recent developments on the political landscape, most prominently, the re-emergence of military coups in West Africa, in a straight geographical belt of countries bordering Ghana, and the popular sentiment of opposition to military intervention by ECOWAS to restore democracy in Niger among the Ghanaian populace which is an apparent endorsement of military rule thereof by a large number of Ghanaians on the streets as a means of restoration of hope for the socio – politico-economic revival of Africa is a cause of great worry to us, hence the release of this message of hope to Ghanaians and the world at this moment rather than later as planned in order to avert an imminent danger to democracy in Ghana.

Once upon a time, Kwame Nkrumah made a statement that, the black man can demonstrate to the world when given the opportunity that he can manage his own affairs. This famous statement of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was later opposed by P. W. Botha, a former president of apartheid South Africa in an infamous statement that the black man is incapable of governing himself and that if given the opportunity the black man will abuse democracy, loot state resources and promote tribalism and killings of his fellow men.

Whilst the statement of Kwame Nkrumah gained popularity among the people and inspired a new African political class in post-independent Africa, the latter statement of P. W. Botha is gaining popularity among the people of Africa who have begun to curse democracy rather than hail it due to the abuse of it by the African political elite.

Ghana re-established democratic constitutional rule as a preeminent political organization for the state in 1992 and since then, political turn over rotated between NDC and NPP. However, after thirty years, the ordinary people have become disillusioned with the direction of the country’s governance system which has resulted in unprecedented high levels of corruption, unemployment, insecurity, wanton dissipation of state resources, and poverty that threatens the stability of democracy and of the state.

In response to a new popular demand among Ghanaians for a new vanguard movement of change of the dangerous status quo, we have decided, after several consultations with a large cross-section of the Ghanaian people, to launch a new political movement for the restoration of hope for a better society of peace, openness, justice, and selflessness to promote real development in Ghana.

The name of our new political movement is the People’s Redemption Movement. In conformity with established standards, our abbreviation is PRM but we prefer to be known to the public by the acronym alternative, PEREMO.

The symbol of the new political movement is the lion and our colors are black, red, and white. The lion is a symbol of strength to defend Ghana against abuse and destruction of state resources by anybody in high or low places.

It is also a symbol of royalty, dignity, and respect for all Ghanaians and the values of the nation as well as the aggressiveness to pursue sweeping positive reforms without fear or favor to achieve the dreams of our country towards prosperity for all and not for a few members of the political class, their families, friends, and cronies.

The black color symbolizes the dignity of Africans and all black people around the world. The red color stands for the toils of the Ghanaian people and the blood of our ancestors during their struggle to free our country from colonialism to create a better society for generations of Ghanaians.

The white color is a symbol of hope for victory for Ghana and Africa in the right political environment. It is also a symbol of reverence to God Almighty for His benevolence and blessings on our land.

Our motto is Open Government for Real Development and in accordance with this philosophy, nothing shall be hidden from the people of Ghana in our belief that we shall gain nothing if we amass wealth in corruption, stealing, and dissipation of the nation’s wealth but if we work in honesty and openness to protect the nation’s resources to benefit the people of Ghana, we shall preserve our memory and join the immortals like Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and all the selfless leaders and patriots who truly promoted the development and betterment of Ghana and Africa on an unforgettable island of history.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, we believe that our party is a mass organization that will unite all Ghanaians and invites all Ghanaians and friends of Ghana to join in their numbers and contribute in whichever way they can so that together, we shall build a new Ghana that will promote the wellbeing of the people and prosperity for all Ghanaians.

Thank you. God bless Ghana and Africa.

Source: PEREMO