Three Day Training for CSOs in West Africa Opens Today at WACSI

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 Source: Communications and Information-WACSI

Civil society practitioners from civil society organisations (CSOs) across West Africa have convened at the Training Centre of the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) for a three-day training on Financial Management and Budgetary Control. The training will take place from August 15 – 17, 2012. It has been organised by WACSI to enable participants to understand and know how to utilise financial and accounting systems effectively within their organisations.

Mr. Jimm Chick Fomunjong, Communications and Information Assistant of WACSI stated on the opening day of the training that this is a specialised training that makes use of the International Finance Corporation’s Business Edge module to provide CSOs in the sub-region with requisite skills to develop and implement robust financial systems. He explained that the course has been tailored to enable participants to strengthen the accounting systems of their organisations to ensure transparency and exemplary accountability in their financial procedures.

Participants at the training demonstrated the existing need of such courses for their organisations. Ms. Ruth Bropleh, Finance Officer of Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives Inc. (AGENDA), Liberia stated that “I need to get an intensive and comprehensive understanding of financial management and develop a vibrant and effective financial and accounting system. I also need to prepare proper and timely budgets and manage costs”.

The facilitator Mr. Gilbert Atta-Boakye, a certified IFC Business Edge trainer assured the participants from CSOs in Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Liberia and Ghana that they will all be given an opportunity to demonstrate their level of understanding of all issues discussed during the three days to enhance their mastery of essential financial processes and best accounting practices for CSOs. He explained that the training will clarify those pertinent issues pertaining to finance and budgeting within CSOs and provide them with guided steps on how to institutionalize robust financial reporting systems.

Mr. Charles Vandyck, Capacity Building Officer of WACSI explained that “the Institute is ever ready and willing to support CSOs in West Africa to be more efficient and effective in their efforts to achieve their mandate”.

This year, WACSI has successfully organised thirteen trainings which have benefitted CSOs in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Ghana. The Institute was created in 2005 by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) to strengthen the capacities of civil society in West Africa. To date, WACSI has groomed 1,379 civil society actors from CSOs in all West African countries including Cameroon. The Institute also strengthens capacities by conducting and disseminating research on topical issues that explore development challenges that civil society strives to address. More information can be found on

Source: Communications and Information-WACSI